Hace unos días que se concedieron los Premios Nacionales de Investigación, awarded by the Ministry of Sciences, Innovations and Universities. Gifted in 20 modes with €30,000 each. Siendo ésta la primera vez con más mujeres premiadas que hombres, en Ciencias Físicas y Medicina e Investigación generalizada: En la modalidad Santiago Ramón y Cajal, en Biología, Isabel Fariñas, Biología de Biología Cional y Anthropología Física original to the biology of neurotrophic factors and neural stem cells awarded for an outstanding scientific career, nationally and internationally recognized, highlighting the excellence of his research with great social impact through his contributions. applications in the treatment of neurological diseases. Gloria Corpas, la modalidad Ramón Menéndez Pidal, and Humanidades. Professor of Philosophy and Literature at the University of Malaga. Trajetéscientifica en Filología, implosora de la fraseologia moderna y subre subre Tecnología de Corpus studies for the Premiada. In the modality of Gregorio Marañon, Medicine and Health Sciences: Carmen Ayuso, associate professor of medicine at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), scientific director of the Fundación Jiménez Díaz Institute for Health Research and head of the Department of Medical Genetics Fund. He has been honored for his distinguished research career in epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic genetics in rare diseases, for his discoveries of new genes and pathogenic mechanisms, and for contributing to the transformation of genetics into a medical specialty and a translational approach to disease. , meets the challenges of personalized medicine and precision. También premiada, Maria Carmen García, Profesora de Investigación del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas del Instituto de Física Corpuscular-IFIC (mixed center of CSIC and University of Valencia). He received the Blas Cabrera Prize in Materials and Geophysical Sciences for National and International Line of Science for his research in particle physics focused on the study of components. Emphasis on the search for intermediate and long-lived particles, development of tracer detectors and participation in the ATLAS experiment, key to the discovery of the Higgs Boson. Nuria Sebastián, premiada for modalidad Pascual Madoz, Derecho, Ciencias Económicas y Sociales. He is a professor of Information and Communication Technologies at Pompeu Fabra University. Destacando en Psicología Cognitiva Científica y la neurociencia del lenguaje, in addition to being a pioneer in bilingualism research from a cognitive and cerebral perspective, he is internationally recognized for his contributions to research on language learning in infants in a bilingual context. In modality, Maria Moliner of Humanities was awarded to Cristina Blanco, an outstanding senior researcher at the University of La Coruña. Excellent Carrera Científica en Historia Contemporánea for new studios in the process of European international integration. Con el modo de Gabriella Morreale, en Medicina y Ciencias de la SALUD, fue premiada Patricia Altea, investigadora en Ramón y Cajal and ERC Starting Grant and Centro Andaluz de Biología Molecular y Medicina Regenerativa-CABICSta (Integral mix Seville-CABICSta) Andalucía-UPO ) for his great leadership and acquisition of national and international funds, designer of pioneering projects in renowned laboratories and top biomedical institutes, highlighting his findings on metabolic regulation. Altering the molecular and pharmacological mechanisms of cancer control. In addition to extensive scientific and social disclosures in the results of research lines. Rosa Maria Fernández, Angeles Alvariño and Recursos Naturales are famous for their Ciencias and Tecnologías modality. Es Científica, titular del CSIC en l Instituto de Biología Evolutiva (IBE, CSIC- Universidad Pompeu Fabra) With its scientific trajectory in the field of evolutionary biology and genomics, it emphasizes the creation of genomic resources of poorly known species, revealing the functionality of previously enigmatic genes. El Jurado destroyed his significant academic trajectory and international leadership. In Felisa Martin Bravo modality, Ciencias Físicas de los Materiales y la Tierra. It was awarded to Beatriz Peláz, Head of Research at the Centro Singular en Química Biológica y Materiales Moleculares (CIQUS), De la Universidad De Santiago de Compostela. Join the BioNanotools group. He deserves international recognition and scientific independence for his excellent work and development of new technologies with advanced nanomaterials, therapeutic applications, emphasizing his research in the field of controlling the physical and chemical properties of materials that determine their biological behavior. Nanoparticle surface modification mediates DNA origami. Research in Eco-technological processes with El de Maria Teresa Toral, Ciencia y Tecnología Química, fue premiada Maria Escudero, que es profesora de Investigación ICREA and Group Leader and El Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotechnologia-ICN2 (CSU-ICABro). , as well as atomic design of new advanced materials. Providing scientific and technological solutions to convert renewable electricity into green fuels such as hydrogen, liquid fuels for aviation and sustainable marine transport. All this makes it worthy of the award. Maria Andresa Casamayor, Mathematics and Information Technology. Veronica Bolon, titular professor at the University of Computing and Information Technologies of La Coruña, was awarded for her research in automatic learning in various fields, using algorithms for feature selection, promoting the sustainability of Artificial Intelligence with a clear social application. Diagnosis of vertigo in Oceano and diagnosis of infermedades. En la de Clara Campoamor, Derecho y Ciencias económicas y sociales. It was awarded to young Mar Requant, director of ICREA and professor at Northwestern University at the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC). With great scientific experience in the field of Economic Sciences and Energy Economics, internationally recognized, versatile and instrumental innovations, with methodologies and measurement methods that solve the relevant problems of Energy, Environment and Climate Change. Implications for research in the design of energy-related norms and policies … Y muchas ¡ Felicidades a los hombres premiados ! De Antonio Quiros Abadia. Naturalist.
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