DANA regions in Zaragoza and Teruel: carreteras, pueblos e inundaciones

DANA regions in Zaragoza and Teruel: carreteras, pueblos e inundaciones

DANA regions in Zaragoza and Teruel: carreteras, pueblos e inundaciones

Don't be safe, but make it happen. Aragon woke up this Thursday after a complicated day on Wednesday, when DANA was passed by the provinces of Zaragoza and Teruel. Heavy rains and flooding of rivers closed streets, isolated neighbors, and left many loved ones in different municipalities. afectó a carreteras e incluso acconsejó el desalojo de una residence de ancianos.

In nearby places, it is more intense and quiet Villar de los Navarros, donde, aunque afortunadamente no hay que lamentar daños personales, el río Cámaras o salió de su cauce takes the fury of the waters to the most central streets of the municipality, arrastrando a su paso vehicles y furniture urbano y anegando orchards y cocheras. Also, Herrera de los Navarros lost two bridges due to the flooding of the Luesma River after the crossing of the Dana.

Con occupation se vivió el debordamiento del río Piedra en CymballaIn the comunidad de Calatayud. Las aguas inundaron la piscifactoría y dos personas tuvenon que ser rescatadas con The helicopter left Logroño y que He participated in the evacuation of two other people who were found in the house in that area.

Today, at half past 10 o'clock in the morning, half a dozen workers of the fish factory located on the bank of the river were surprised by the sudden increase in the flow rate. “Ha sido una ola, en two minutes el nivel ha subido un metro y hemos tenido que salir corriendo”the manager of the center, Fernando Alcorta, pointed to one of the videos he had recorded at that moment.

También en Montalbán fue preciso Preventive evacuation of a varias personas como medida due to the great rise of the Caudal del Río Martín. Los Bomberos de la Diputación Province de Teruel has worked to evacuate homes that may be flooded.

Near the capital Aragonesa, Vitaliya nursing home in Kadrete neighborhood has been evacuated de manera preventive ante las affecciones que podia causar una posible crecida del río Huerva y sus 104 usuarios ya se encuentra reubicados en otoros de la company, one of them in Huesca.

Las complicaciones están ahora en el entorno del Monasterio de Piedra, located in the municipality of Nuévalos, Donde la crecida de este río is obliged to close the facilitieswill remain closed until at least this Friday, although first they will assess the damage to purchase if that opening is possible or if there is a delay.

En esta zone, y dueto a la crecida del Jalón y sus afluentes, se They found 80 people resting at the Jaraba balneario. However, no problem You can't refuse to leave anything. Either way, it may take a long time to complete the installation. evacuarlos or sea con medio aéreos or acuáticos.

Calm is slowly being restored in the municipalities, the step of the “most aggressive DANA of the century”, because it qualified Aemeti, but the conditions are not over and the Aragonese government and emergency services. Mantenien la veligencia y vigilance para actuar con speede ante cualquier imprevisto.

Intense rains that fell repeatedly in some areas of the community last night, They came back and caused havoc. y, en momentos puntuales, también sin luz.

In our employment center comarcas turolenses de Matarraña, Since more than 100 liters of rain per square meter is expected between 12:00 and 18:00, y del Bajo Aragón y el Maestrazgo. in the province of Zaragoza, se controla el cauce del Huerva, Ya que los dos embalses que lo regulan están completamente llenos y no tienen más capacidad de aramento, por lo que ya están vertiendo el agua que les intra.

El servicio ferroviario Between Valencia and Teruel it was suspended on Wednesday morning and in the afternoon the same decision was made between Teruel and Zaragoza due to the flooding of the roads in the height of Villarreal de Huerva. Roads are also blocked A-1512 por un desprendiiento en el punto kilométrico 35.00, con un Temporary entrance to Albarracín and Torres de Albarracín; la A-1306en el kilómetro 8,00, a la altura de Blesapor el desbordamiento del río; la A-2506, entre Bello y el limite de la province, por inundación de la platforma; y la A-1702, en el kilómetro 23.00 en Villarluengopor el desprendiiento de una piedra de gran tamaño, que será retireda este jueves. Just in case, están cerrados los colegios de Utrillas, Montalbán, Gea de Albarracín, Torres de Albarracín and Herrera de los Navarros, as well as three ranks related to IES 'Lobetano' de Albarracín están están están están destino destino.

Meanwhile, the tail of the river is rising and Zaragoza municipalities like Almonacid de la Cuba have seen their dams overflow.

Llamamiento a la prudencia

The president of the Aragonese government, Jorge Azcon, confirmed this Wednesday “AEMET's forecast calls us to be especially cautious.” The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) predicts that 150 liters per square meter will fall on the territory of the province of Teruel, closest to the Community of Valencia. una crecida del río Huerva que puede afectar a María de Huerva, Santa Fe and Cuarte de Huervaso Crecida del Río Martin In Cueva Forada, Albalate del Arzobispo and lamina connected to the industrial estate of Híjar. On Thursday, you can download up to 100 liters for every square meter of rain in Matarraña and Bajo Aragon. The administration of Martín, Jalón, Jiloca, Aguas Vivas, Guadalope and Matarraña has autonomous administration.

Jorge Azcón ha pedido “precaución y responsabilidad”, que no se realicen los viajes “strictamente necesarios” y se pospongan todos lo posible, y alejarse de los cauces de los ríos.