Piedras y gritos de “asesinos” and los Reyes and Sánchez and “zona cero” in DANA in Valencia

Piedras y gritos de “asesinos” and los Reyes and Sánchez and “zona cero” in DANA in Valencia

Piedras y gritos de “asesinos” and los Reyes and Sánchez and “zona cero” in DANA in Valencia

The presence of Kings Felipe and Letizia, the President of the Government Pedro Sánchez and the President of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazo, was not well received by the residents of Paiporta, one of the most penalized of the Valencian municipalities.

After a group of neighbors scolded the king, Sánchez and Mazo, the authorities' visit was interrupted. Los ánimos se han ido caldeando hasta el punto de que se han registrado lanzuzadas de objetos, piedras y barros contra las authorities.

Los escoltas del Servicio de Seguridad de la Casa del Rey are Felipe VI's bodyguards in paraguas.

“¡Asesinos!”, “A Paiporta no vengáis”, “¿No queríais barro?”, han sido algunos de los gritos que los más indignados han lanção contra la comitiva en Paiporta, que también ha recibido botellas, barro. .

It should be noted that the announcement of the visit of the king, the president of the Spanish government and the president of the Generalita Valenciana this Sunday to some municipalities affected by the cold, caused some criticism in the context of a charged environment. Blame public administration for losing your focus.

This statement caused some criticism. The sight of an official motorcade and agents of the Security Forces fueled the anger this morning, which finally began when the kingpins, Sánchez and Mazon, began roaming the streets of Paiporta. Some cars of the neighbors also bought barrows and things.