Mercadona vende Hacendado ultracongelados Prueba los churros

Mercadona vende Hacendado ultracongelados Prueba los churros

Mercadona vende Hacendado ultracongelados Prueba los churros

  1. General features
  2. Price
  3. Nutritional information
  4. Suitable for vegans
  5. Preparation and taste
  6. Popularity and criticism

General features

Los churros are available in 500 gram packages, enough for a light meal at family gatherings or with friends. The design is practical and easy to store in the freezer.


One of the main highlights of this product is its price, which is around €1.10 per pack. This competitive price makes it an economical alternative to other similar products.

Nutritional information

Calories Calories: Approx. 151 kcal
Graces: 1.5 g
Grasas saturadas: 0 g
Wets the carbon: 33 g
Wets the carbon: 1 gr
Proteins: 3.6 g

Suitable for vegans

It should be noted that churros are suitable for vegans. This means that they do not contain any ingredients of animal origin and are therefore accessible to many consumers. A great option for those looking for a vegan alternative without sacrificing taste.

Preparation and taste

Los churros are very easy to make. They can be fried straight from the freezer or baked for a healthier option.

Fritos: Caliente aceite en una sartén honda y fríalos que estén dorados y crujientes until. Quedarán crujientes por fuera y esponjosas por dentro.

Al horno: Preheat the oven to 200 °C and bake the churros for about 10-12 minutes until golden. This is a healthy way to reduce the amount of fat used.

También están delicosos con caliente chocolate, cafe or natillas. Many consumers enjoy bathing in chocolate.

Popularity and criticism

It has been well received by consumers since its inception. Original sabor to prepare very easily. Their crunchy texture and traditional flavor make them popular as tempié and desayuno specials.

Products are too expensive for profitability. Compared to other churros on the market, many rate the product as an excellent balance between price and quality.