There is no Spaniard who feels the love for Spain and its people, the pain and suffering caused by the tragedy of destruction and death caused by the recent floods, the sadness and anger of the shocking scenes we contemplated last Sunday. Los Reyes y los Presidentes del Gobierno y Generalitat de Valencia a Paiporta, uno de los pueblos más castigados.
It is not easy to assume the chain of errors that occurred in the two administrations involved: the autonomous and the state. As a political leader of the government, facing serious fires and floods in the province of Málaga, they helped me to see more professionally and closely the scale of the destruction of people and the lives of many families who cry for their loss today. unhappiness. To manage the serious consequences of the deadly tsunami, which caused so far “undetermined” deaths and disappearances, to President Mazo's stupidity, disorientation and poor political skills, he combined the constant provocative and ill-willed attitude of the US president. humanidad que en un lenguaje despectivo y falto de humanidad: “si necesita más ayuda, que la pida”, demena que los españoles, alive o muertos, solo somos peones de su endiablado y deleznable juego para mantenerse.
We have sufficient legislation to deal with these disasters, and national, autonomous and local bodies “duly coordinated” with their respective powers and professional bodies can and should meet all urgent and urgent needs. emergency measure. de todos los recursos del Estado. What we don't have desgraciadamente is the lack of any public policy. The personal and political war that has been waged between them since the COVID pandemic four years ago is what has created this deplorable and shameful chaos in the management of the climate crisis that we are suffering in Spain today, with deadly consequences.
However, all organizations and even organizations focused on policy and politics to avoid mistakes. Demonizing and vilifying the political class is a serious risk to the preservation of democracy. It is better to obey political parties, candidate lists or our own electoral system in the third degree and we should not forget that there are politicians like mayors and councilors of many cities that have been affected by these floods. neighbors and fight. A ellos ya los mil de voluntarios que como buenos samaritanos se han acercado aliviar tanta necessidad y pena, los ispañoles les debemos un recognition and agradecimiento forever.
All we think about on TV these days are the Dantesque scenes of the streets and pueblos of Valencia and the Manchegos, and the cries of helplessness and desperation of their people before they lose their dead or missing family members, their homes and their lives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , , , , , , , , . No es justo esconder esas collective hidnation, con quienes actuán con una violencia siempre chazable y que soli for manipula “politicamente” el sentido de la lógica manifestation de la ciudadanía ante las authorities que han decepciona.
Solo los reyes han acudido y permanecido, con risego de sus vidas, para abrazar y consolar a tantos hombres y mujeres que entre lágrimas y degarrados gritos, les exigían y reclaban were the materials of their main political leaders who were not human media at all: Estado para buscar a los desaparecidos, limpiar sus calles de todos los materialy y transportes acumulados y procurir lo basico para subsistir a tantos ciudadanos afectados como son alimentos, medinas, etc. SM el Rey les escuchaba one duras penas entre recriminaciones y lagrimas. He was the sole authority of the state, representing the millions of Spaniards whose courage and humanity supported our journey to that painful land. Spain knows that the Crown never leaves the Spaniards, but at the same time it is the guarantee of the dignified representation that our nation deserves in the world. Gracias Señor.
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