This is Mynaclet camp to help animals affected by DANA: “We saved more than 500 animals.”

This is Mynaclet camp to help animals affected by DANA: “We saved more than 500 animals.”

Many persons, a causa de la DANA, hans perdido a sus macotas. During the rescue work, muchos de estos animals han aparecido y, en muchos casos, Volverlos and reunir consus dueños es a go comlicado. For this purpose, a number of volunteers started a project in Benimaclet initiative solidarity With the help of the municipality's football team, it forms a logical point to centralize animal welfare. Zapeando charla con Alba ArevaloVice President of Sporting Benimaclet, y Sandra Cerveravolunteer and coordinator of the initiative.

En el campo de futbol They created a camp where they coordinated the rescue of animals Conflicts are resolved with DANA. As Sandra explained, once the animals are rescued, they have a reception area specialized in veterinario y educadores Animal review, medical deterioration, and behavior. El siguiente paso es registrarde manera digital, se le asigna un padrino o madrina, y se le busca a la familia de cogida perfecta or return su familia.

“We created infrastructure, incredible campaign Con una gente maravillosa que estamos 14 saat a día recutando animal y dándoles un hogar”, added Sandra. The volunteers taught everything. Camp improvisation en el que no falta desde una tienda en la que se consider animal health I think after the initial interview, before anything else. Sandra revealed They managed to save more than 500 animalsdesde hurones, tortugas a perros o gatos.