Linares PSOE General Secretary Javier Perales has classified the Junta de Andalucia's 2024 budgets as a “mockery” to the citizens of Linares. This is the lack of representation of real investment, cifrañañosas cuentas se apoyan en cifrañañosas, partidas no executadas y promesas vias que, año tras año, asegura que se piten sin resultados.
“Mientras el PP de la Junta, millions anuncios for Linares, la realidad es distinta These budgets show only 4.5 million euros in transfers for Parque Empresarial de Santana, more than the 9 million publicly promised by President Juanma Moreno during his last visit to the city. In addition , year after year, they include investment projects that remain unimplemented with false promises and inflated figures with the silent complicity of the local PP,” said Perales.
Ejecutar inversiones: promesas unfulfildas y partidas repetidas
One of the most infuriating points is that major projects for the city, such as the Andrés Segovia Conservatory, are repeatedly not implemented, with the same amount budgeted in previous years, returning with a match of 200,000 euros. . “Llevamos años viendo las mismas cifras en los mismos proyectos, pero sin que se eva un solo bricko”, said Perales. “¿De qué sirve que incluyan partidas si luego no ejecutan ni un centimo?”
The situation is similar in other projects:
• Sede Judicial: never implemented with a budget of 400,000 euros added to 80,000 euros of 2021 and 50,000 euros of 2022.
• Desamiantado en el Parque Empresarial: Including part of the 133,000 euros for asbestos removal without specifying the construction of new sites to attract companies.
• Ramal ferroviario: is the main infrastructure connecting Linares to Vadollano and has no budget since 2022, although its connection is authorized since 2016.
La realidad del empleo: unfulfilled occupation promises
Perales also highlighted the strong employment situation in Linares, where work has rebounded in the past two months with 136 new jobs in October alone. “It is clear that the policy of the PP is not working and they have no serious proposals for employment in our city. In addition, he criticized the “silence” of PP councilor Raúl Caro Accino, who promised a €150,000 municipal employment plan.
PSOE Enmiendas del to correct the insufficient budget
Prior to the lack of real investment, Perales announced that the PSOE was already working on a series of amendments to ensure the necessary investments to increase the recognition and development of Linares. Presentation of Entre las enmiendas que se destacan:
1. Preparation of the connection project with the Río Grande embalse, with a part of 500,000 euros.
2. Parque Empresarial de Santana, que el PSOE dotó for 7.7 million euros and que ha qedado sin partide.
3. Traslado del Instituto Santa Engracia, for one member of 400,000 euros.
4. 3 million euros for the reactivation of the Employment Plan in Linares, a direct aid canceled by the PP government that directly affects the unemployed of the city.
El abandono del patrimonio y las promesas unfulfildas en Cástulo y el Zaytum
Finally, Perales emphasized that the archaeological complex of Castulo and Zaytum continue to be not included in the budgets, while the dry port of Linares, an important infrastructure for the logistic development of the city, continues to see one of the 66 million euros foreseen in the budget. Since the logistics areas for PP llegó a la Junta. “El PP se ha olvidado de Cástulo, ha abandoned Zaytum y, instead of a logistics plan for a dry port, we are selling smoke while eliminating investments,” he said.
Linares PSOE general secretary also criticized the role of the mayor and the PP government team who “prefer to welcome the budgets with photos and empty promises” and invited the people of Linares to explain publicly why they defend them. budgets “dejan a Linares leave y sin futuro”.
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