Perfect compravents: las claves for sellers

Perfect compravents: las claves for sellers

Perfect compravents: las claves for sellers

Buying a property is one of the most important transactions in the life of many people. Whether you're selling your current home or looking for a new home, it's important to know the steps in the process and your rights at each stage to avoid legal or financial problems. Por ello, az García-Barroso Abogados we help and accompany to participate in the whole process and to solve the needs and problems that may arise in the process. Next, we detail the key points for buyers and sellers to make this transaction as clear and secure as possible for both parties.

Why does the buyer need an attorney?

In addition, being legally adequate guarantees that every aspect of the transaction is carefully considered, making sure that the real estate you are about to buy is problem-free and that the process is carried out in accordance with the law.

Confirm the legitimacy of the loads.

Uno de los principales riesgos es adquiri un mueble con cargas and embargos. A lawyer can investigate the legal history of the property to make sure there are no mortgages, debts or property disputes. This analysis also includes a review of the registry and cadastral situation to check that everything is in line and that there are no surprises at the time of formalization of the purchase.

Review and negotiation of contracts.

Los contratos de compraventa usually estar redactados con terminología que puede ser confusa or even prejudicial para e comprador si no se revisa adequately. A qualified lawyer evaluates each clause to confirm that the contract is fair and protects the buyer's interests. In addition, you can negotiate more favorable terms, such as deadlines, penalties for non-compliance or delivery terms.

Accompanied by notarized documents.

Writing is the last and one of the most important steps. In addition to ensuring that the process is conducted without errors, the lawyer also checks the correct calculation of the relevant taxes and fees. This accompaniment is very important to avoid possible ownership problems in the future and to ensure that the buyer is officially registered as the new owner.

Why does the seller need a lawyer?

For a seller, selling a property also brings risks and possible legal complications that can be avoided with proper advice.

Preparation and verification of documents

The attorney is responsible for preparing and reviewing all the documents needed for the sale, making sure everything is in order. This includes checking the status of property documents, certifying payment exemption and managing possible permits or approvals. It is necessary to work properly to avoid delays and conflicts.

Asesoría en la negotiation and optimization fiscal

It is common to present negotiation situations in the compraventa process. Take care to make sure the contract is beneficial and fair. Además, los abogados usually provide fiscal advice, inform the seller about taxes applicable to the sale, and help structure the transaction in a way that minimizes fiscal liabilities.

Protection against future claims

In some cases, después de la sale, pueden surgir reglamos relacionados con el estado de la property o con aspects no revelados durante la transacción. Un abogado puede sets clauses in the contract that protect the seller from these claims, avoiding any liabilities that may arise later. This gives the seller added peace of mind knowing that their commitment ends once the sale closes. Likewise, it is essential that the payment procedure is carried out in accordance with the law.

Why is it necessary to sign a contract with a lawyer in the purchase?

La compraventa de un imueble es un proceso que puede parecer simple a simple view, pero que que implica una serial de complicitas y risegos que pueden ser costosos si se aborda correctamente. Both buyers and sellers can greatly benefit from the advice of a lawyer who can ensure that the process is safe, transparent and compliant with the law.

Accordingly, there is no material certainty that any legal financial or financial education issues will not be resolved. For the seller, this means carrying out the transaction with security, optimizing its benefits and protecting against possible future claims. Por todo ello, az García-Barroso Abogadoswe guarantee peace of mind and security to help both parties carry out one of life's most important transactions with complete confidence.