In Palma de Mallorca, three young men were arrested for attacking, stabbing and stealing a minor's mobile phone.

In Palma de Mallorca, three young men were arrested for attacking, stabbing and stealing a minor's mobile phone.

Before the age of 19 He is the author of delitos by the Policía Nacional robo con violencia, tras herir con un cuchillo a un menor al que intimidated en una calle del barrio de Son Gotleu, en Palma, for robarle el teléfono móvil.

Los hechos ocurrieron el pasado lunes at around 21.00, according to the police, a call was received from a hospital center in Palma to 091 indicating a new admission to a hospital and detailed it. The patient was wounded by a white weapon.

Agents checked at the hospital where the patient presented with various wounds that required stitches tenía abundante sangre por la zone de los brazos y manos Punzante for wounds caused by something.

El menor said that he was walking along Son Gotleu Street, crossing paths with them tres jóvenes, de origen argelinoque se dirigieron hacia él de forma intimidatoria y le pidieron el teléfono móvil.

Even though it was negative, even if it was just a little bit, it caught him and stopped him from moving.

Agents have confirmed that the alleged perpetrators of this robbery are known in the area due to their criminal history. By the way, this in turn. Dos de ellos has many police antecedents, most of them this year.