Sacos de arena, maquinaria pesada y drones: Valencia refuerza barrancos y embalses ante la nueva DANA

Sacos de arena, maquinaria pesada y drones: Valencia refuerza barrancos y embalses ante la nueva DANA

The valencianos cities of Paiporta, Aldaia, Chiva and Catarroja, among others, have DANA's heating and ventilation. The memory of the floods just two weeks ago is still fresh, and although the damage has yet to be fully assessed, forecasts un nuevo episodio de lluvias intensas han puesto en maxima alerta tanto a los vecinos como a las authorities.

The main concern is not only the repetition of live drama, but also las infraestratuses de drainage and alcantarilladoya de por sí fallen and worn from the previous rains, They are in critical condition. Desde hace días, an amlio dispositivo de voluntarios, junto members de las Fuerzas Armadas, bomberos y personnel de Civil Protección, trabaja contrareloj para vaciar y despejar el system de alcantarillado, que quedó saturarodo con tons of dry torrent. Sin embargo, con la llegada de nuevas lluvias, existe el risego de que las calles vuelvan anegarse.

Según datos de Conselleria de Transición Ecológica, at least 34 municipalities have serious damage to their sewer networks. In these places, the combination of muddy terrain with rains can lead to new overflows of sewers, which can not only cause flooding, but also endanger public health, because las aguas residuales can be rebasar drainage system.

From the first drops of rain in places like Chiva, Paiporta and Catarroja, neighbors have not stopped their efforts to reduce the risk. Continue for equipos de limpieza and personal emergencies despejar los collections Allow the system to filter as many key quantities as possible. No obstante, la presión sobre las alcantarillas y conduits sigue siendo alta, y los ayuntamientos han no llamamiento a la ciudadanía para que tomen means of prevention, especially plants, garages. At best, it is recommended for you that los vecinos colocar tablas y barreras de madera or even for tapiar puertas y accesos para. evitar que el agua entre de nuevo en sus hogares.

Preocupan los barrancos, ríos y embalses

Aldaia, la conccupation se concentra en el Barranco de la Saletawhose computer system was destroyed. However, authorities have installed more than 300 tons Sacos de arena a modo de dique Improvisado contener for possible crecida. This temporary system, while effective, does not provide the necessary guarantees to protect neighbors in the event of a sudden increase in flow rates.

La situación de los barrancos y ríos de la zone es otro de los motivos de alarma. Barrancos like el del Poyo or el rio Magroflooded, now present irregular terrains and sediment accumulations that make it difficult to predict their behavior in the face of a new rise in water. In the last hours, heavy equipment was involved in various areas limpiar cauces y facilitar el paso del agua although the risk of flooding remains in the event of a new flood.

In addition, el Buseo embalseOne of the infrastructures affected by the recent DANA is being closely monitored by Unidad Militar de Emergencias (UME) drones. At the moment, the reservoir had to carry out a controlled release of water to prevent flooding and although authorities are confident that it is currently at half capacity, vigilance is constant ahead of fears that the situation could worsen.

Mientras los vecinos intentan proteger sus propiedades and retomar sus vidasthe threat of a new emergency exists and increases uncertainty in a zone that has yet to recover from previous damage.