El PNV managed to have the Pleno del Congreso approve bu jueves un cambio legal en la ley de. Enjuiciamiento Criminal (LECrim) will allow speeding up evictions in cases of occupation by allanamiento de morada (Residents), una modification que ha salido adelante con apoyo del PP, Junts, ERC, Image, UPN y CC y pese al voto en contra de los parties que forman parte del Gobierno de coalition.
This is a change approved in the draft law “On the efficiency of the state judicial service”. Plenary session of the Congress In front of the vote with the support of the government and its allies and against the PP and Vox.
Most specifically, la enmienda del PNV Pursuant to Article 795.1 paragraph 1, the crimes of trespass (Article 245) and de allanamiento de morada (Article 202 del Código Penal) will be dealt with by summary judicial procedures, called Juicios rápidoswhat will enable agilizar su resolution y los desahucios que puedan ordenarse.
Bildu pide disculpas
Tras la votación, los independentists viscose han recognized the news of “cometido un error”. “Lo asumimos, lo lamentamos y nos disculpamos por ello e intendaremos revertirlo y enmendarlo lo antes posible”, declared the party led by ha. Arnaldo Otegi en un comunicado.
“With this message, we do not claim to justify or make excuses for our mistake, but we confirm once again that we have been committed to the protection of housing for all these years. We will continue to work on this path,” Bildu added in the press release.
The proposal of the PNV was rejected both in the presentation and in the Justice Commission, but it was approved this Thursday in the Plenary of the Congress thanks to the support of the PP, Junts, ERC, Bildu, UPN and CC. opposition PSOE, summer, Podemos y el BNGwhile Vox se ha abstenidoAccording to the list of votes collected by Europa Press.
Thus, the law “On the efficiency of justice” was amended. Senatedonde el PP cuenta con majoias absoluta, por lo que ya no se prevé que vaya ser revocada.
Según recuerda el PNVthe nationalist association made another amendment at the commission stage, which specified the Basque language as a requirement in one of the vacancies in the Department of Justice in the Autonomous Community of Euskadi. Este pacto servirá para “adequate la ciudadanía basca y oferer una mejor predanza del servicio publico a quienes deseen ejercer su derecho a expresarse en euskera”, destacan.
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