- Virtual Defense Biblioteka remitió
- Expedientes are classified as confidential
- “Necessary defense of national defense”
- Alerts in Morón, San Javier…
¿Qué información tiene el Ejército del Aire sobre “sightings of strange phenomena in national airspace”, o lo que es lo mismo, acerca de objetos voladores has no identification u UFOs?
Aunque parezca un asunto poco comun, al Estado Mayor del Aire han llegado algunas requestos sobre este tema al amparo de la Transparency Lawof persons claiming access to reports collecting episodes of strange sightings by military aircraft.
Confidential Digital ha consulted una resolution son del Consejo de Transparency and Buen GobiernoAppropriate authority to apply to the Ministry of Defense on March 19, 2024.
Petitioner planteó la siguiente petition:
— “Estoy interesado en obtener”. todos los reports relacionados con sightings of strange phenomena in national airspacede conformity con lo establismo en la General Instruction 40-5 of the Air Force de España.
This manual defines the norms regarding the reception of information about the observation of strange events, the procedure for compiling reports, as well as their classification, processing and storage.
I would like to request all available reports and all related graphic materials in accordance with your department's data retrieval and retrieval capabilities. Established by General Instructions 40-5, y que estén bajo la custodia de la. Sección de Intelligence del Mando Aéreo de Combate (MACOM)”.
Virtual Defense Biblioteka remitió
Estimates of the Ministry of Defense's responsibility, any estimate is made. I agree to grant access to the requested information, but subject to the following conditions:
— Information not responsible with “(…) Encuentra Ejército del Aire y del Espacio public use through Virtual Defense Libraryaccesible desde el enlace https://bibliotecavirtual.defensa.gob.es/BVMDefensa/es/inicio/inicio.do“.
Also, consult the Internet for the Virtual Defense Library. all this is appropriate sobre avistamientos de phenomenos extraños ve el espacio aereo milli de hace dedemos, que están out of classification.
The competition does not satisfy any request Reclamó before the Consejo de Transparency y Buen Gobierno. Se quejó de que “en relación a la Respuesta Recibida Recibida Relación a la Respuesta Recibida Recibida Recibida Relación a la Respuesta Recibida Recibida Recibida Relación a la Respuesta Recibida Recibida Recibida Recibida Recibida as a my request de information de sbre avistamientos de phenomenos extraños, segun lo found in instrucción General 40-5 “,”la respuesta proporcianada no se ajusta a lo solicitado“.
Argumento que “Biblioteca Virtual Defensa, you can get travel and information for elave procompanido”. Does not contain required specific information(casos registrados a través de la Instrucción General 40-5) además de estar Updated with cases prior to 1992“.
So get the Ministry of Defense to grant him access to “TODOS los infosponibles y cualquier” before the Consejo de Transparencia fulfills his original request. Graphic material The Combating of Observations of Strange Phenomena, as defined in General Instruction 40-5 and authorized by the unit's ability to search and retrieve information under the control of the Intelligence Section of the Command Aéreo de (MACOM)”.
Expedientes are classified as confidential
As is always the case with this type of reclamation, the Consejo de Transparencia will forward the complaint to the Nazirio de Defensa so that he can make the claims he deems necessary.
Contestó Defensa con un escrito del Estado Mayor del Ayreque fue a queen el ministerio le envió la solicitud de Transparencia.
“Salary before analysis, He consulted with the authority responsible for the structure of the Air Force“The mayor of the state explained, “approval is required, there are possible options, prior consultations, acerca del Number of reports available In accordance with paragraph 5 of the Air Force and Space General Instruction 40-5, about the sighting of strange phenomena protected by the Air Force, “Warn about the sighting of strange phenomena in the National Airspace” ”, it is possible to obtain information to mediate the digital indicators of the Plataforma” .
Consult for basic consultations habida has no variation habido ninguna en cuanto al número de informos disponibles”.
El Estado Mayor del Ayre continued to defend “se establece que This is appropriate, the classification should be disclosed, you should consider YOUR PRIVACY.“.
Es decir, son material classificationWith the third level of protection of the Spanish norm: the highest Secret, the second Protected, the third Confidential and the fourth Difusión Limitada.
Estado Mayor del Aire Confidencial vista de main clasificación de concluded: éstos no pueden ser conocidos de forma publicapor ser información clasificada national, tal y como se deriva de la normative valide: Normas de la Autoridad National para la Protección de la Información Classificada y Orden ministerial 76/2006, de 19 de Mayo, por la que segurlase apps. It is allowed to limit the information of the Ministry of Defense, the information defined by Article 14.1.b of Transparency”.
When the Air State mayor learned that the author of the inquiry had appealed to the Transparency Council, he repeated the internal consultation: There are no new casesy para ratificar que todos los information y material disponible son a accesibibles a través de la citada Biblioteca Virtual”.
“Necessary defense of national defense”
The Consejo de Transparencia investigated the case on the basis that a request for access to the reports was denied pursuant to Article 14.1.b) of the Transparency Law.
El Article 14 adjustment los motivos por los que el derecho de acceso a información publica puede ser limited is a part of public administration.
Clause b) provides that this right may be limited if it is possible to obtain information perjuicio para la defense.
“La verification de la concurrencia de este limite debe partir de la premise de que el right to access public information es un derecho publico subjective de Rango constitution que enjoya de un amplio recognition en nuestro ordenamiento”, reflects the Consejo de Transparencia, “por lo que que cualquier autremado de su eficiació ha de partir de una strict interpretation, cuando non restrictive, de los límites y debrega proceporesay to justify. If limitations are accepted in the application, disproportionate data is not allowed.”
The application of restrictions should always be done on a case-by-case basis, analyzing whether the estimate of the data request is acceptable. perjuicio concreto, definito y evaluable (lo que se denomina test del damage).
Denegatoria defendant “ha de ser justified y proportional, atendiendo a la circunstancia del caso concreto y siempre que no exista un interes que la publicity o el acceso to justify (public interest test)”.
These criteria should be applied if requested by the Air Force for UFO sightings, where “the Department, Air Force and Space General Instruction 40-5, stated that the documentation of sightings is defined. strange phenomena, by their nature, until confidentiality is lifted are considered confidential and cannot be disclosed because they are classified as national information according to the current regulations (National Authority for Protection Standards). de la Información del Defensa)”.
The Transparency Council opined that “is considered reasonable in terms of the necessary protection of national defense” A classification decision deemed appropriate for privacy, y does not pose any problem in any public form.
that's it desestimó la reclamation In any case, you can obtain information to access the Virtual Defense Library to obtain limited access to the Ministry of Defense and the Estado Mayor del Aire.
Alerts in Morón, San Javier…
ECD Eco-eco for 2022 similar request. Entonces, he specifically noted that “En la Biblioteca Virtual de Defensa se puede consultar un compendio de Casos OVNI que hansido desclasificados. Most known cases qualify for disclosure prior to publication on this public advisory page. Includes military norms and events such as OVNI (1968-1985).
What the petitioner wanted was to know “whether a similar norm is in force at the present time and what are its parameters.” Likewise, I am interested in knowing what treatment the Air Force or any other military agency affected by this phenomenon has received.
However, “information is required acceso a casos posteriores Biblioteca Virtual que, for su naturaleza, sean senceptible de ser conocidos de forma publica. It is the most defective El número de expedientes de este asunto que existen en la actualidad“.
The results of the Ministry of Defense in 2016 public -ya eso se refería el inicio de esas consulta- en digital formato 80 reports have been declassifiedque sumaban 1,900 pagesy que se referían a supuestos avistamientos de ovnis en España.
Los abarcaban desde informs first recorded case in 1962 in San Javier (Murcia)sick Morón de la Frontera (Seville) in 1995.
Warnings were issued pilots of commercial and military aircraft, Marineros que navegaban en barcos, vecinos de zonas urbanas…
Defensa began the process of declassifying the UFO files in 1991. Biblioteca Central del Ejército del Aireand in 2016 they were digitized and published in the Virtual Defense Library.
El Ejército del Aire also protested in negative form while accepting request for public information reláciata con otros objetos voladores: esos Mysterious globes brought down in US airspace and attributed to China.
Sobre los information del Ejército del Aire ya desclasificados y referidos a avistaientos por aeronaves militaryes de phenomenos extraños en el cielo, el diario Vozpópuli to recognize algunos casos especially lamativos.