Cartagena has more than one zodiac trailer.

Cartagena has more than one zodiac trailer.

Cartagena has more than one zodiac trailer.

Dos mujeres de unos 40 años fellecieron en la noche de ayer, sábado, y otras seis personas resultaron iridas de diversa considerado en un choque multiple. en la RM-12 en dirección a La Manga, a la altura de la deputación cartagenera de El Algar, en el que They saw eight turismos involved and got out of the trailer carrying them.

According to the sources of the Emergency Coordination Center, 30 calls to 112 warned about ten car collisions after half past nine.and some of them had given vueltas de campana

El diario 'La Opinión de Murcia' information, citando fuentes cercanas for investigation, de que The bad zodiac was a drug cartel and the conductors of the car carrying them were on the run and wanted by the security forces.

At the scene of the accident on the La Manga highway, five ambulances were mobilized with medical personnel from the Department of Urgencias y Emergencias Sanitarias 061, as well as efectivos de Protección Civil, bomberos de Cartagena and patrollas de la Guardia Civil. .

Los sanitarios confirmed the death of two women in their 40s They helped a 21-year-old boy.

Además, otras cuatro personas, dos mujeres de 18 y 55 años y dos hombres de 19 y 29 años, fueron trasladadas al Hospital Santa Lucía de Cartagena, while A 51-year-old man was taken to the Virgen de La Arrixaca de Murcia hospital.