La Obesidad y el sobrepeso They are considered a “silent pandemic” faced by developed countries. Metabolic problems más de la mitad de affectan of the Spanishy aunque los cambios de adverse en terms de alimentación saludable y ejercicio físico last indispensable, los tratamientos problem las soluciones simplistas. La llegada de pharmaco como GLP-1 analogues (Ozempic/Wegovy) han supuesto recently una nueva esperanza para los patients, pero el riesgo del 'rebound effect' Acecha tras la pérdida de peso.
Una nueva investigation publicada en la revista Nature ha desvelado por qué algunas personas tienen mayor tendencia a an engordar. El tejido adiposo, obviously los researchers Federal Political Science (ETH) in Zurich. (Suiza), conserva un tipo de 'memory' de la obesidad, que se manifesta tras la pérdida de peso con cambios transcriptions y epigenetics level cell This facilitates the recovery of fat deposits after weight loss, according to experiments with human and mouse cells.
“One of the main goals in the fight against obesity is to improve health reducir el peso corporal Complications for derivatives for type 2 or diabetes Fatty liver disease“explained ETH researcher Ferdinand von Meyenn. El 'efecto yo-yo' o 'rebote' que sufren muchos pacientes tras haber consigado mejorar su peso con terapia es uno de los principales obstaca que sufre la terapia.
Von Meyen's team observed that fat cells protected them both in rat tissue and in humans. cambios transcriptomics pese a que se había producido una pérdida de peso “significant”. To determine this, they compared RNA sequences extracted from the fat of 18 obese people before and after weight loss with the fat of 20 other obese people. 25% of Table Corporal tras ser intervenidas con ciuría bariátrica.
You can be aware of your health. In the case of rodents, they have also been found epigenetic changesen la manera en el que el que el ADN se copia en el Activate the expression of genes for ARN. In addition to transcriptomic changes, these factors were associated with a number of metabolic processes, such as biosynthesis. fatty acids y la formation de fat cells. Todo to be tiene un efecto obesogénico que aa bote, alertan los autores.
“Este studio es de alta calidad y emplea techniques avanzadas como Sequencing of RNA from a single nucleus y el epigenetic profile “to find that obesity induces persistent epigenetic and transcriptional changes in adipose tissue, even after significant weight loss,” he explained. Jose OrdovasDirector of Nutrition and Genomics at Boston Tufts University (EEUU) and member of IMDEA-Alimentación (Madrid) and CIBEROBN (Instituto de Salud Carlos III), in statements a Science Media Center.
Even acknowledging the “limitations” of the study, the expert noted the “significant” implications the discovery could have in the real world. “El studio destaca la basic biology de la recovery de peso, reduce it stigma y emphasizes the need for long-term support interventions. “Open avenues for targeted therapies, such as drugs or epigenetic editing, to 'reboot' adipose tissue memory and improve weight loss maintenance,” he said.
“Individualized weight control strategies can be based on an individual's genetic and epigenetic profile, while public health policy Prevention and intervention Temprana para evitar el establishment de una memoria obesogenica“, Valora Ordovás. “This study provides the basis for innovative approaches to address the global obesity crisis by combining molecular findings with current clinical practices.”
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