Paloma de Yarza, president of Heraldo de Aragon, Impulsa Liderazgo Femenino premio recibe

Paloma de Yarza, president of Heraldo de Aragon, Impulsa Liderazgo Femenino premio recibe

President of Heraldo, Paloma de Yarzathis morning CEOE Aragón received the Premio Impulsa Liderazgo Femenino 2024 organized by Caixabank and Directivas de Aragón. Junto a ella Jessika Valero, CTO of BioclonalImpulsa was awarded the same distinction in the Joven category.

Impulsa Liderazgo and Paloma de Yarza López-Madrazo, e.The judge evaluated his career. President Heraldo 2021 1997 has various responsibilities. He made a decisive contribution to the expansion of Grupo Henneo, “del que es german este diario y de cuyo consejo de administración forma parte,” noted the jury. Paloma de Yarza ha sido Vice-president of the European Association of Editors y lo es actualmente de la Asociación de la Empresa Familiar de Aragon, entre otros cargos.

Her intervention, Paloma de Yarza ha querido Thank you to your family for the award“Heraldo has a great relationship with the director Mikel Iturbe,” he said to journalists today, and was chosen by the judges. “The culprits of the profession, the difficulty of being able to agree with acquaintances, todava machistas machistas, las journalistas pelean todos los días por ejercer su profession with valence and seriousness“, ha recalcado.

Ha que emphasized HeraldoSince 1940, when the first female president was elected, cree en el leadership femenino “por conviction y por justicia” y que su puesta por el empoderamiento de las mujeres “nada tiene que ver con movimientos sociales y modas”. Meanwhile, he mentioned his appointment Encarna Samitier como primera directora de un medio nacional de información general u There are more guidance groups.

fPaloma de Yarza en la Gala Top 100 Mujeres Influyentes is organized by El Español.

También se ha referido al the future of the sectorthreatened by lies, pseudo-media and attempts to control part of the power and argued that “the times are more necessary than ever”. He explained the successful process digital transformation En el que está immerso Heraldo, gracias al esfuerzo de la redacción, y ha I remember that next year in connection with the 130th anniversary motivo, se renovará el libro de estilo gracias a un trabajo que se está llevando dellevando llevando llevando óyla Español Urgente. La bet on the audiovisual information of the newspaper and the application of Artificial Intelligence were other issues he referred to in his intervention.

Molecular biology

by you, Jessica Valero González received an email Premio Impulsa Joven leadership in innovative projects in monoclonal antibody discovery and advanced therapeutic administration systems. He has a PhD in molecular biology and over ten years of experience in biotechnology A pioneer in the development of the bioclonal platformovercomes barriers to immunization for complex targets. Previously, he worked in business development at Certest Biotec and currently provides consulting and advisory services for other companies in the sector. In addition, es Activate Steam's initiatives y miembro de Aragon Directives govern technological innovation in the Community.

The Premios Impulsa Liderazgo Femenino se emmarcan en las events are organized annually by CEOE Aragón and CaixaBank, with the cooperation of the Aragon Directives, Increasing female leadership in Aragon's business structure.