The escalation of the conflict in Ukraine has raised alarm at the international level. The intervention of the United States and the United Kingdom may have an impact beyond the borders of Ukraine. A narrative supported by leaders like Trump to capitalize on disaster. Could a sin embargo be possible in Tercera Guerra Mundial? Pedro Rodríguez, professor of Relaciones Internacionales, spoke about topics related to Más Vale Tarde.
“Llevamos mil días con lo de la Tercera Mundial, About Putin's solo gifts Ya la gente que quiere utilizar la palanca del medio para advance consus intereses”, ha affirmed. An argument que ha ha is used, analyst, Trump continues to campaign for the presidency of Unidos.
También ha recalcado que Trump lo que queere hacer es recalcar que “There was no war during his presidency.”but during his presidency “he did his best to inspire Putin with this unique complicity”. In addition, the US president also encouraged Netanyahu to “resolve differences with neighboring countries.”
Pedro Rodríguez concluded: “I believe that the idea that the Third World War was a la vuelta de esquina is part of the narrative of many stakeholders in this international context. Is Geos available? What is the likelihood of escalation? It's clear.”
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