On August 25, 2011 Rosalia Martínez, 84-year-old woman from Parte de Bureba, el pueblo de Salvador Barrio, fue atropellada por Angelillo, Unlike Salvador, above all. La Guardia Civil detiene le accusado de asesinato, but ¿cómo conectan estos hechos con el crime de la familia Barrio? Temporarily very interesting for Rosalía atropellos. En ese tiempo se translada a Briviesca, muy cerca del pueblo, y es, deciselly, en esas localidad donde desapareca un joven Búlgaro llamado Shibil Angelov y relato con Angelillo.
La Policía registra el domicilio de Angelillo en busca de alguna pista sobre el destino del joven bulgaro. “We don't find anything remarkable in the records of Ángel Ruiz's house that we can believe any more than what we have about his involvement in the disappearance of Shibil,” said one agent, however, noting what they found. montón de lláves”. For example, it is called 'Ayuntamiento'.
“Se entente una llave del Ayuntamiento en el que Salvador había sido alcalde y se pensaba que se podía haber utilizado esa llave para ustraer las lláves de la vivienda,” explained the mother's family's lawyer. This finding points to the possibility that que Ángel Ruiz, who now knows he can kill after killing Rosario Martinez, Continue to solve the crime to prevent the crime of Los Barrio.
Yes Angel was already at the center of suspicion, y ahora volverá a sir investigation. From that moment, Angelin searched in the notebook of his house with different eyes. “We found a glove with traces of blood on it,” one of the agents explained, while another recalled that “one of the elements for the people we knew produced the triple murder was that they used a white weapon.” “Encontramos mucho cuchillo, todos esos cuchillos los ponemos a disposibilidad de la instruction,” explained the agent.
For his part, the lawyer of the Salvador Barrio family explains that “among the things they found was a double-edged knife, which, if not exactly wide, corresponds more or less to a double edge. It has been used in Salvador and in the family for a long time. In addition, junto a los cuchillos y las llavas, los explorers van a encontrar otro indicio que vincularía a Ángel con el asesinato de los Barrio: una de las cosas que se contaron son unas zapatillas Dunlop número 43.
Estas zapatillas coincident el numero y la marca de zapatilla con la única huella que se entente en la casa de la familia Barrio. This is another indication that this gentleman could be an enforcer, and furthermore, Angel's connection to Salvador Barrio and his family is well known.
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