This is Wednesday, November 20th 49 years have passed since the death of dictator Francisco Francofecha que congrega en el Valle de los Caídos a cientos de personas.
En El Intermedio quisieron hablar del tema coincidingendo con el aniversario y Wyoming He turned to history expert Mikel Herránpara que le diera su version a los spectadores de La Sexta.
In the program, they remembered the transfer of the dictator's remains in 2019. se planteen diversinos proyectos sobre el lugar.
“Contact Valle de los Caídos, Not more than 20N for Franco de allí sacaron, Disneylandia and Mickey Mouse.“, Herran noted.
El colaborador de Wyoming explained that there are those who propose to demolish it, others make a museum of democratic memory, but he “proposes to put something more creative, because history gives us. Anything that converts to a large size“, he noted.
Herrán explained that, during the centuries, The mausoleums were used as quarries for building materials: “Las tumbas de la antigua Roma se convirtieron en el Zara Home de muchos ricachones”, he commented ironically.
Historian also suggested convert today For example, I met the tomb of the emperor Adriano: “Era un cilindro enorme con un jardín gigante, but, tres siglos después, se decidido convertir el edificio en una fortaleza military”.
Otro misal que quiso exponer a collaborator fue el mausoleo del emperor Augusto: “A finales del siglo XIX reconvirtió en una sala de conciertos for concerts“.
“In Egypt, the tombs of the Valle de los Reyes were mostly looted. In the Middle Ages, some were converted into Christian churches or chapels. including cells for hermits who wish to separate“, he said.
Besides, Herrán's idea was better hecho con la majority de tumbas en el passado, reutilizarlas como viviendas: “En la antigua Roma, lo de vivir en tumbas era algo tan frecuente, que tuvenor que promulgar una ley para permitir que calquiera pudiera denunciar si te encontrabas un okupa en tu mausoleo”.
“The same This is the solution to the housing problemponer el Valle de los Caídos en Idealista,” noted El Intermedio historian tono de bromada.
However, the backlash: “Of course, in the end, I have no idea,” said the Wyoming contest, “en todo caso, They should leave it as it is“.
The presenter concluded: “Not normally, in 2024, tengamos un monumento gigantico glorificando una dictatorship fascista y assumirlo como si nada”.
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