Valentia celebra en Huesca sus 60 años: “Esto es una fabrica de bienestar emotional”

Valentia celebra en Huesca sus 60 años: “Esto es una fabrica de bienestar emotional”

Valentia celebra en Huesca sus 60 años: “Esto es una fabrica de bienestar emotional”

800 people attended the festival dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Valentia on Friday, Palacio de Congresos de. Huesca. Among the participants were Grupo Zhebra artists, residents of Centro Manuel Artero de Huesca, visitors from here. Martillué, Barbastro, Monzón, Fraga y Boltana. Also Valentia Emplea professionals, horticultural, cleaning and maintenance specialists or the best-known employees of Brotalia, as well as their families, partners, patrons and volunteers of the establishment.

La gala ha condo simismo con la presencia de Companies cooperating with the enterpriseque ir personas con distintos in distintos centros de la province de Huesca. Among the authorities are the assistant mayors and Social Welfare Councilor Carmen Susín, who said they are experts in “promoting and putting on the table the inclusion of people with disabilities”.

Huesca Mayor Lorena Orduna said, “Huesca has gathered at the call of an institution that is a true institution for what it represents for the city and the province.”

The president of Valencia, Lorenzo Torrente, noted that “Quién podría imaginar hace 60 años, cuando no había nada, que hoy estemos hablando de empleo, viviendas, ocio, arte…” “Nada se nos podrá por delante. Let's go.” For director Sara Comenge, no queda otra que seguir “si queremos advance y conseguir que las personas con intellectual disapacidad y sus familias se sientan bien, estén bien y puedan disfrutar de la vida. It is a machine that creates emotional well-being and mental health for all.

The Fiesta commemorated Valentia's history and paid tribute to all the people, institutions and companies that build it every day. Ronda de Boltana's performance put the finishing touches on the castle.