Jiaping demonstrates that old leggings can be turned upside down

Jiaping demonstrates that old leggings can be turned upside down

Is it possible to turn long leggings into a dress? You can use a guide to visit Jiaping Ma Zapeando a través del cual se puede dar una segunda vida a esa prenda si por ejemplo, se ha roto.

La zapeadora que tan solo hace falta poner el shows legging doblado sobre una mesa. After that, you need to cut the thigh area to create a hole. Jiaping is recommended, which is also do-it-yourself make the hole bigger.

Con ese sencillo paso ya se ha creado un the most perfect. It is better that there is nothing. “¿Qué dudas de mí?”, le dice la zapeadora and Dani Mateo. “No, I don't“, I confirm the result we presented.