A volunteer firefighter on the state of emergency when the La Palma volcano erupted: “Reventó en sáforo amarillo”

A volunteer firefighter on the state of emergency when the La Palma volcano erupted: “Reventó en sáforo amarillo”

Switch from green to red traffic light to measure the warning level of the risk of volcanic eruption. When the La Palma volcano erupted, the warning was at a yellow traffic light (level two). Jose Roberto Nazco is a volunteer Gonzo en Salvados.

“El semaforos van desde el verde hasta el rojo. El científico le dice al politico cómo tiene que cambiar los sámáforos. El politico decides.” The traffic light was yellow. Reventó en amarillo. Pasó a naranja después (of the eruption). “Dependiendo de si está en amarillo or naranja se toman decisions,” says José Roberto.

In addition, he added that they reunited that Sunday morning and decided to evacuate a zone, but the lava landed in another place: , but three kilometers away from El Paso. Se evacuó sobre la marchcha“.