Santiago Cosculluela: “Private residences, ¿quién lo va a pagar?”

Santiago Cosculluela: “Private residences, ¿quién lo va a pagar?”

Santiago Cosculluela: “Private residences, ¿quién lo va a pagar?”

El centro psicogeriatrico de Villafranca Arade, where 10 people died, belonged to a group of directors, managers and professionals of more than 115 private residences, day centers, teleassistance companies and ayuda a domicilio in Aragon. Su Presidente es Santiago Cosculluela, propietario de la residence Avenida de Huescauna de las que se volcó en ayuda de los 57 survivientes trasladados a esta ciudad. Arade's vice president, Carmen Torrijo, is in front of the fire.

In 2015, there are 9 times more stringent rules and inspections for Santa Fe residences. Since then, 52 residences of the mayor have been closed. Ahora, después de la tragedy de Villafranca, ¿qué debe mejorar?

It was an accident. This residence fulfilled the legalities: there were fire extinguishers, a fire extinguisher…, everything. Under control, according to many norms and inspection rules. If there was a spark with this oxygen, it's an accident.

What actual normative, ¿es sufficient?

Yes, no doubt. We can't do more. Hay puertas cortafuegos, manguages, extintores, salidas de evacuation… For more information.

How are your personal relationships?

Accommodations are the best option for you today. It is also very important if the customers have no need. 60-70% of the budget will be paid to the staff and this will be reflected in the client. At a cost of 2,000 euros, la media en una residence, 10% de IVA, cuanto más private pongamos más tendremos que subir el precio. Llegará un momento en que no van poder pagar. Si un usuario no tiene una predenza vinculada a la ley dependencea, no puede. The management problem is not solved, que ayude. Podemos subir todas las ratios que queramos, y encantados todos, but ¿quién lo va pagar? Tenemos que balance la balanza porque nuestros mayores son los que tienen que sufragarlo. Other than that, no problem. There was still no under 80 settlement, but there are majors for people under 80. Depende de si tiene una predenza por la ley de dependencia o plaza concertada, y si no, pues tienen que sacar de sus ahorros o vender el piso.

The social security adviser said that the problem is to settle with qualified personnel, that the lack of personnel is related to the type of contracts, salaries, social evaluation of mayors?

This is another problem. La consejera tiene toda la razón porque no entrauntos gente. The goal of helpers is to go to hospitals. Para las personas mayores tendes la geroccultor. En las residences, aunque tengamos gúas, es un trabajo duro, delicado, que requiere paciencia, amabilidad. I know that there are two important figures in the residence, the cook and the assistant or geroculturist. Food is very important not to get drunk, and in the matter of the assistant, I never get tired of saying in all forums that he is the most important person in the residence, because they are the eyes and hands of our elders. Everything is very important for directors. Respecto a los sueldos, ovalá pudiéramos pagar más, but make no mistake, it is not necessary to pay at the residence. Unless the government gives us economic support to solve these…

There is a vast difference between the residence of disabled people and the residence of mayors. Me a una plaza de discapacitado merite parece bien que se dé lo que meritate, pero la de mayores también. Se nos llenan la boca cuando hablamos de personas mayores pero se nos olvida el bolsillo.

Are there enough plaza concerts in Aragon?

There is nothing, but there is nothing for me in my center. Y funciona bien en la prestanza vinculada al servicio, con ayudas de 300 or 500 euros for la ley dependencia según la renta. Cada vez que pueden nos ayudan, nos amparan.

There are no settlements in La de Villafranca.

The residence of this residence is very complex. He admired siempre a la Directora. Yo llevo 30 años en el sector y no sería capaz.

¿En qué se podría mejorar la formation de los trabajadores de una residence para saber que hacer, cómo actuar ante una una?

Hacemos simulacros anuales. You will be within 15 days. Carmen (Villafranca's principal) is sure to do it when she touches him. It's all very easy in the simulacrum, but when you're in a real emergency, all you want to do is save lives, save as many people as you can. You can reconnect to your personal account. We conduct fire courses every year or two.

¿Do you have a top choice for places to live?

Claro, eso en un despacho lo podemos valorar, pero las trabajadoras hicieron lo que en aquellos momentos entendieron que era mejor. Fueron is very valuable.

It may cause you to smoke. ¿Cómo se guarantee que se spete la prohibition de fumar?

Most importantly residence chequeaban a los usuarios, but some time ago. Cómo se metió ese mechero no lo sabemos pero los chequeans seguro. Ellos no podian tener mecheros, el fuego para el cigarrillo se lo da el personal.

It was a heavy blow for the sector.

Very difficult. It is a private residence for living.