Spot the smog virus in California

Spot the smog virus in California

Spot the smog virus in California

Las authorities sanitarias de California He confirmed his discovery this Sunday Avian influenza virus H5N1 in a sample of raw milk for public saleinformó el periódico reported on this Los Angeles Times.

The milk sample belongs to Raw Farm, the manufacturer that issued a voluntary recall of all packaged products on November 9 and has an expiration date of November 27.

Según el rotativo angelino, so far there is no information de enfermedades asociados con la leche contaminada.

Raw Farm, a major producer and retailer of raw milk in California, tested its dairy products as a control after bird flu was detected in cows and several farms across the country.

The announcement came two days after the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, English) reported. A case of bird flu in a child in Californiaassumed the first infection of a minor registered in the country.

El niño, del que no se informationó su edad, se recupera de la enfermedad, los information about governments.

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) conducted an investigation into the source of the child's exposure to H5N1, but so far it has not been identified.

Members can have negative consequences related to the flu virus.

“Of course, the relationship continues, but it is relevant There is no evidence of human-to-human transmission de la flue avian H5N1 de este niño a otros,” the CDC said in a statement.

All but 29 people in California have tested positive for the virus, excluding children and workers who had contact with infected people.