UGT demarca de la strike de bus convocada para jueves y viernes, pero CC. OO. let me see

UGT demarca de la strike de bus convocada para jueves y viernes, pero CC. OO. let me see

UGT demarca de la strike de bus convocada para jueves y viernes, pero CC. OO. let me see

UGT called off the bus transport strike on Thursday and Friday exiger un coeficiente reductor que permitada a los dirijores jubilarse antes for coeficiente reductor.

Desde este sindicato, explican que se descuelgan de estos paros To defend the agreement signed with the Confebus cooperation at the meeting held on November 23 y que a su juicio, avanza en la protección de los derechos de este collective professional.

However, Desde Comisiones Obreras no lo entienden así y mantinen la convocatoria de los paros, apoyados por CGT. “Si no hay plazos, no hay nada”, Nothing to do with the accordion alcanzado in Madrid. concretization.

Hurry, UGT insists there is nothing. joint application for determination of reducing coefficients”.

According to the UGT, “the agreement establishes a clear and concrete compromise to start the administrative procedure as soon as the new Royal Decree defines the general procedure. riesgo su viability”.

In the same way, according to the UGT, it “ensures the compensation of possible financial imbalances and the creation of a parallel desk with the State Administration. You don't need to be influenced by financiers Due to regulatory changes, the sustainability sector and workforce are appropriately related to the demand for independence.”

Therefore, the UGT insists that the decision not to give second place to the strike is due to the responsibility of prioritizing concrete and effective solutions. “This agreement meets the demands of the workers and allows us to move forward without harming users and companies at a critical time for the sector”dicen, así como “un paso firme hacia la mejora de las condiciones laborales y la anticipación de la eda de jubilación, sin generar incertidumbre ni riesgos innecesarios”.