Verja de Gibraltar's inspector general revolted against Marlaskaya for forcing him to violate the Schengen agreements.

Verja de Gibraltar's inspector general revolted against Marlaskaya for forcing him to violate the Schengen agreements.

Verja de Gibraltar's inspector general revolted against Marlaskaya for forcing him to violate the Schengen agreements.

  1. Colas en la Verja
  2. Manual of Verbales de Marlasca
  3. There is no application for Schengen
  4. Denunciation
Peñón de Gibraltar (Photo: Nono Rico / Europa Press).

The lack of agreement between the UK and the European Commission to agree on this The state of Gibraltar after Brexit You may face provocando problems for Spanish. El último de ellos es que la anómala situación que se vive en la Verja ha desembocado en que chief inspector of this border post You have to submit denunciation of prevaricaciónDue to persistent non-compliance with Articles 6 and 11 of the Schengen Borders Code.

The inspector made an intense decision choque verbal mantenido last Friday with Comisaría de La Línea in chargedespués de que en las ultimas semanas le fueran abierto varios expedientes por Apply the Schengen norm to both Britons and Gibraltarians living in El Penon.

On several occasions, most recently on the 22nd, the inspector ordered passports to be sold both to British residents in El Penon and to Gibraltarians holding the so-called “tarjeta roja” (intention card) la que podian cruzar la Verja sin necessidad de que el passport les fuera sealedado , gracias a un Enter Madrid and London, mientras estaban en marchcha las negociaciones The situation with the EU colony of Reino.

El sealedado del pasaporte supone Fair proposals for checking the average economyand has not been in the Schengen area for more than 90 days in any 180-day period.

Colas en la Verja

In Verjada, the inspector who collected the existing concerns among the National Police, ha pedido en reiteradas casions a sus superioresThrough the Comisaría General de la Línea, que se le facilite, por escrito y signadas, Instructions on the legislative procedure for no application for Gibraltarian el complimento de lo estáblado in Schengen.

No contest for La Línea commissariat, The decision to apply Schengen was made several times, which angered the Penon authorities.On October 11, they decided defendant con la reciprocity pidiendo el pasaporte Bir los mil de trabajadores transfronterizos que cada día atraviesan la Verja para desarrollar su trabajo en la colonia. Esa medida provocó durante varias horas largas colas en el paso.

Manual of Verbales de Marlasca

Además de esa medida, lo habitual es, según fuentes policiales consulted por Confidential Digitalque el ministro principal Gibraltareño, Fabian PicardoHaga llegar sus quejas al ministro español del Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlascay que esté dé verbal instructions So it returns to the status quo it has held since 2021, pending an agreement between the European Commission and the UK on Gibraltar's future after Brexit.

The inspector general of the La Linea border post was a UN facility appropriate sanction en agosto pasado, después de Exodus from Spainin March, a cuatro militares británicas destinado en el Penón que cruzaron varias veces la Verja como turistasViolating the Schengen norm.

Better repeat it preventlast October 9 A group of passengers who have to fly to Londres salieran de Gibraltar to board the plane at Malaga airportthere is no guarantee de que ese fuera su destino final.

There is no application for Schengen

On September 13, 20 and 29 and October 4, the inspector presented the problem to Frontera and Extranjería and to the chief of the local brigade of Fronteras, with no response. que He will not continue to violate the Código de Fronteras Schengen, as this may lead to disciplinary consequences. además de incurrir for prevaricación possible delito de incurrir.

The inspector believes that he is as good as his colleagues on the border You are responsible for punishing by making you accountable. No application for Schengen and Gibraltareños.


The response of the Internal Affairs authoritiesit spreads orally a través de la comisaría de La Línea, ha sido que except en el paso por la Verja, motivo por el cual, el inspector jefe de ese puesto fronterizo ha presentation su denuncia.

Paralelamente, desde el Peñón no cesa la presión sobre las competent hispanolas, mientras el Nazirio de Asuntos Exteriores y sutitular, José Manuel Albares, guard.

In addition to the Prime Minister's urgent calls, Fabian PicardoThe Interior, claiming that the restrictive measures immediately involved have been suspended, a spokesman for the Government of Gibraltar told the colonial Gibraltar Chronicle periodical that the decisions of the qualified inspector. “agent dishonest”“causan difficulties a la gente corriente que necesita o desea despilarse un lado a otro de la frontera, cuando la única razon para ser un funcionario público o estar en la vida pública should be facilitarque to be life, to be facilitarquespelasspelasspela, the applicable norms and los acuerdoes pertinentes celebrados entre las Mills”.

Colas en la Verja de Gibraltar (Photo: Europa Press).