Laura Escanes, track relations with Sergio Turull, el influencer de los corredores: “Empecé a correr y engancha”

Laura Escanes, track relations with Sergio Turull, el influencer de los corredores: “Empecé a correr y engancha”

Laura Escanes ha accedido a la fiesta navideña de ghd, Together with María Pombo, I introduced the hero. There, the young influencer revealed how his first days as a runner went: “Yesterday I did my first 10k, my first race, 57.38, so good.”

“A ver, era un poco bajada y el último kilómetro y vomito”, ha bromeado Laura Escanes explained why she started running in the main video of this news: “I started because my cardio is the worst you can imagine.” “Yo subo dos pisos y ya estoy con el pulso acelerado”, ha recognized the influencer who emphasized that he needs to improve: “I started running and oye, engancha. Tiene ese punto de superarte a ti mismo ya mí todo lo que se superarme a mí misma, me encanta”.

In this section, Tatiana Arús explained that “motivation has very high qualities”: “Sergio Turull, que, por lo visto, es quien le está motivatingo”. “Siempre está bien si tienes un aliciente”, collaborate with Aruser@s plato, get different contexts like Rocío Cano or the 'runner' expert.