Juan Lobato said about Sanchez: “Si lo que se me dijo en los whatsapps no fuera cierto, sería bastante grave”

Juan Lobato said about Sanchez: “Si lo que se me dijo en los whatsapps no fuera cierto, sería bastante grave”

El Juan Lobato, secretary of the PSOE in Madrid, ha denunciado este martes el “lynchamiento” recibido por parte de “algunos dirigentes de su partido” before registering for the notary los whatsapps que intercambió con la say mano derecha Oscar Lopez y en los que, supuestamente, le ofrecían información del proceso judicial abierto al novio de Isabel Diaz Ayuso.

Lobato assured that if what they say is not true (that is, the information came from the media and not from the media) Fiscalia), “sería bastante tomb”. Lobato said that when he was informed about his girlfriend Ayuso's financial information, it was something that was “published in the media”.

But now he is accusing Moncloa directly, raising doubts about whether the emails he sent on Wednesday in March came from the media, as he initially claimed, or from Fiscalia.

“Democracy and law are always superior to political parties and political party leaders,” he said.

In a statement that lasted three minutes and did not allow questions from reporters, Lobato began to explain that he was “engaged” with her. “lynch” accepted by a part of algunos dirigentes de su party.

“There is no problem with accreditation Origin of this document. Lobato launched.

El todava secretary general PSOE madrileño, ha insisted that he “doesn't think” what he told him was false and that “there is no communication media”. “Because that would be serious enough,” he added.

El líder de los socialistas Madrileños lleva en la cuerda floja since que el pasado domingo se publicara que acudió a un notario con una conversación de WhatsApp con mano derecha de Oscar Lopez, Pilar Sanchez Aceracuando éste trabaja en Moncloa como jefe de Gabinete, donde supestamente le facilitaban information del accordion que el novio de Ayuso offered Hacienda in his case for financial fraud.

No one understands por qué Lobato performed this deed notarial el pasado mes de octubrecuando la conversación fue en el mes de marzo, pero sí han visto una maneuver que puede anews Covers the Moncloa process to uncover the secret of the General del Estado's financial reporting.

Sources in the environment of the president of the government believe that Juan Lobaton pretended to be realized Maneuver against Óscar LópezEl 'mirlo' blanco que Ferraz quiere colocar en Madrid disputarle el control del partido a Lobato, y ha acado poniedo en la picota hasta la mismísima Moncloa.

De hecho, instructor of the Supreme Tribunal ya ha sitado al portavoz del PSOE en la Asamblea de Madrid addressed him last Friday and asked him to do a notarial act to find out if he was more involved in this supposed disclosure of the secrets of the mail sent by the lawyer. Alberto González Amadorel novio de Ayuso, a Hacienda.

Those who still defend Lobato as an honest politician assure that the socialite is a technician of the Hacienda and, if the published information is accurate, records the conversation with information about Ayuso's girlfriend. le 'evita' la possibility de haber sido cómplice de un delito al no haber querido difundir información que supuestamente había sido filterada desde la Fiscalía General.

In addition, there is a great connection with Sánchez Acera.

PSOE madrileño (PSM) along with Ferraz is a very good choice. There is a sentence with Juan Lobato and Juan Lobato and they even expected that there would be no Congresso Federal and no event in Seville.

Algunos allegaban que sería una situación muy 'dura' para él, al verse señalado dentro del partido, pero otros, direct, affirman que Congresso PSOE national le va a buscar el sustituto definitiveivo..