Carmen Merino hired a cleaner after the murder of Jesus Marino: “Le pidió que tirara bolsas de basura que pesaban”

Carmen Merino hired a cleaner after the murder of Jesus Marino: “Le pidió que tirara bolsas de basura que pesaban”

Castro arrived at the headquarters of the Civil Guard in Urdiales after seeing on television the detention of Carmen Merino after the skull of his partner Jesús Mari. There, la mujer contómo Carmen Merino hired her to clean her house some time ago. Cuenta que al llegar al domicilio and numerous bolsa de basura grandes y pequeñas de grand peso. Carmen Merino's explanation was that she cleaned the macetas and therefore the bosas were soil.

The cabo de la Guardia Civil, who handled the case, assured that “at a glance” they did not see “many machetes que entraran en tantas bolsas de basura” in the house of Carmen Merino: “Creemos que parte del cuerpo estaba en esas bolsas”.

Por su parte, an agent of the Civil Guard explains how the investigators acudieron al vertedero donde los camiones de basura tiran los residuosbut “debido al tiempo transcurrido”, era “impossible localar restos humanos”. Sin embargo journalist Abel Merino explained that all the bags passed through a belt, where a landfill official discovered “organic remains”.