The Spanish captain, who experienced an explosive drone attack in Iraq, was left without a medal

The Spanish captain, who experienced an explosive drone attack in Iraq, was left without a medal

The Spanish captain, who experienced an explosive drone attack in Iraq, was left without a medal

  1. Drones with explosives in Baghdad
  2. “There are no terrorists”
  3. El capitán citó reported about it Estados Unidos
  4. Reconocimiento Civil y las Víctimas del Terroismo
  5. No action today
  6. Eliminate the author attack
  7. Finaldad desconocida del attack
Spanish soldiers in the NATO mission in Iraq (Photo: Mayor of State Defense).

Flour Capitán del Ejército de Tierra ha recibo una doble negativa, primero administrativo y después courten su intention de que le concedieran la Insignia de la Real Orden de Reconocimiento Civil y las Víctimas del Terrorismo He attacked a military base in Iraq.

The incidents did not occur during the mission in Iraq in 2003 and 2004, following the invasion of the US-led international coalition that ousted Saddam Hussein. Operación de support y adiestramiento a las fuerzas armadas iraquí para que luchen against ISIS jihadists.

Drones with explosives in Baghdad

The hero will serve in Iraq. Special Operations Tactical Group (SOTG XIV) que las Fuerzas Armadas serves for the Iraqi military.

Las Tierra, Armada and Aire special operations Unidades se van rotando enviar personnel a ese groupo táctico, dentro de la misión “Apoyo a Iraq – Natural Decision – NATO Mission-Iraq”.

El capitán de Tierra (probably a member of the Mando de Operaciones Especiales, MOE) was found at a base known as Baghdad. Baghdad Diplomatic Support Center (BDSC or Centro de Apoyo Diplomatico de Bagdad) when this facility was attacked.

Recurso que relatón before the National Audiencia Segun relató en recurso que presidad, “los hecos ocurridos el 9 de 2021 en Centro de Apoyo Diplomatático de Baghdad seciti terrorist attack, que que conció en el. attack with explosive-laden dronescausante de Property and personal injuryy que produjo una Alteración intencionada de la paz publica“.

Media specializing in US military activities During the attack, you can have different information.

“There are no terrorists”

This is the captain Apply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs que le concediera la Real Orden de Reconocimiento Civil a las Victimas del Terrorismoen la condition de ilso en atentado terroristBecause he experienced this attack in June 2021 in Baghdad.

La General de Apoyo and las Victimas del Terrorismo tramitó un expediente, que concluyó con una A resolution dictated by the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-MarlascaApril 21, 2022.

Resolution of the Denatory: No information is required.Pursuant to the regulation of Law No. 29/2011 of September 22, de Reconocimiento y Protección Integral a las Víctimas del Terrorismo.

In the judgment that concluded with the consideration of this case, this denial is essentially “not considered accredited according to the report sent by the Technical Cabinet of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense on March 2, 2022.” […] Get information about the situation of terrorists. The events that took place on June 9, 2021 cannot be considered a terrorist act“.

Ejército de Tierra officially interpuso un recurso de reposición contra negativa, but simultaneously on June 21.

El capitán citó reported about it Estados Unidos

Through administration, courts and tribunals. Presentó un recurso contencioso-inministrativo que llegó a la Sección Quinta de la Sala de lo Contencioso-Administrativo de la Audiencia Nacional.

En vista de que le habian negagado la insignia con el argumento de que Defensa no consideraba el attack a la base de Baghdad como atentado, el capitán esgrimió que “con la misma information del attack,” United States Department of the Army and the US State Department's Regional Security Office they understood that the attack was terrorist“.

Defendio also stated that the terrorist act took place “art. 2.1 del United Nations International Convention for the Prevention of Terrorist Attacks by Bombs“.

However, he claimed that “according to Law 29/2011, a terrorist is recognized as a terrorist, it is required to restore the badge”.

La Abogacia del Estado retained the position of Minister of the Interior: que para la concesión del distintivo solicitato es preciso que se unos fechos calificadas como atentado terrorist, elemento fundamental y constitutionalivo, sin el cual no cabe su otorgamiento.

Reconocimiento Civil y las Víctimas del Terroismo

The judgment of the National Audiencia, which resolved this appeal, reflects the regulation of Article 52 of the Law 29/2011 of September 22 “On the recognition and overall protection of victims of terrorism”. Terrorism configuration Special respect and passion for the victims of terrorism“.

It is divided according to the requirements: “Take control of Gran Cruz, then fight the actions of the terrorists; Encomienda tower, any protection and security of terrorists; y con el grado de Badgesa los que tengan la condición de amenazados, a los Ilesos and atentado terroristas well as to the deceased's spouse or a person related to him or her, to the deceased's parents and children, grandparents, brothers and grandchildren, as well as to the injured's family members. those who have had incapacitating injuries are in higher ranks.”

No action today

La Audiencia Nacional He analyzed a similar incident in 2018 Baghdad's military base and encontraba top capitán del Ejército with cargo of drones for explosive devices.

Entonces determinó que la ley “lleva a Right of defense outside Spain and the European Union “Con independencia de que éstos vayan dirigidos o no contra interes españoles, sean attialização por bands que operen habitualmente en España o afecten a operations de peace y de seguridad en el exterior”.

This idea is implemented in Article 6.2.b) of Law 29/2011, which extends the scope of territorial application of the aid, early payments and compensations regime to “trustees”. Operaciones de peace y seguridad que formen parte de los contingentes de España en el exterior participants y session the object of a terrorist act“.

Article 2.4 of the Regulation, which was approved by Royal Decree No. 671/2013 of September 6 during its preparation, states that the aid, compensation, compensation and reward regime “shall also apply to participants in peace and security operations. los contingentes de España en exterior y sean objeto de un atentado terrorist”, en concreto, a “los members de las Fuerzas Armadas españolas que participen en dichas operaciones, con inclusión de aquellos” que, Dependientes del Defensa, formen parte de la crewación de los media de transporte en los que se realicen los desplacamentos”.

However, you have a fixed sentence”In Ley 29/2011, the regulation for “participating terrorist” is specifically defined. a los anteriores efectos. Article 3 of the law defines “terrorist act” and characterizes it with the purpose of “overthrow the constitutional structure or seriously disturb the public order”, but it is not easy to evaluate these goals in relation to the actions. outside of which the participants of the peace and security operations suffered, sin quein addition, actions directed against these personnel can be classified as terrorist attacks, debiendo emmarcarse, en muchas casions, en actions propias de operacións que se se.“.

Eliminate the author attack

With these parameters, the magistrates of the Sección Quinta de la Sala de lo Contencioso-Administrativo concluded that in the case of the captain of the Ground Army, who formed part of the Special Operations Tactical Group (SOTG XIV) in Baghdad, “insufficient accreditation June 9, 2021, Baghdad Diplomatic Support Center They were terrorists“.

“Attack of drones in the center and in Iraq”, si bien “Subsecretaría de la Defensa information, Estado Mayor de la Defensa no pudo certificate que ese attack was” un atentado terrorist”.

According to this information, se desconoce la authoría si si constaThere are no victimas in private español all displazado”.

Gabinete Técnico de la Subsecretaría de Defensa confirmed the information. no constaban diligencias judiciales, procedrio penal or recaída por los hechos.

Finaldad desconocida del attack

The captain insisted that “according to the current situation of the conflict in Iraq, the probable author of the attack (Islamic State), the intention, the form of implementation and the damage caused to the public order should be classified as los hechos acaecidos un atentado terrorist.”

But the National Audiencia came to a different conclusion: “The conflict that existed in Iraq at the time of the attack It does not allow the qualification of “terrorist attack” to apply to all events that occur during international operations against its participants.que es a lo que llevaría la interpretación del taladante”.

Los jueces noted that this definition of terrorist, “a los efectos de la Ley29/2011, ha de interpretarse de acuerdo con sus objetivos siendo cannot be generalized de aquel concepto”.

Tuvieron también en cuenta que “in este caso, además, Nobody knows the author of the attack, which was not claimed by any terrorist groupy port tanto Its end is also unknown“.

They did not accept the captain's argument about them US government reports que calificaron los hechos de ataque terrorista: “There is no service according to Article 3 of Ley 29/2011, its application has been proven. autoridades españolas“.

“Of course, boldly test,” “determine,” “there is nothing wrong with terrorists in California to send election documents to foreign countries.” Resolutions are otherwise confirmed by reports issued by the Spanish government authorities (Ministerio de Defensa). This qualification of accredited facts cannot be considered erroneous merely because it contradicts that of another state.“.

For Zanjaron, “administración de la pretensión el rechazo porque of the appellant” not at all arbitrarycomo se qualifica en la taladata, is the logical basis for hechos incontrovertidos. There is no agreement with Article 52.2″, “There is no provision for terrorists”, “It is possible to decide to cancel the administrative decision”.

Spanish soldiers in the NATO mission in Iraq (Photo: Mayor of State Defense).