Beatriz Parera, Associate Director of 'El Confidencial' Tribunales información expertise, analysis Case of David Sanchez, brother of Pedro SanchezManos Limpias has announced its 9th anniversary.
Sin embargo and comprehensive information to UCO, David Sanchez never owned 1.4 million euros of BBVA shares como se dijo The police report states that “Learn about calculation errors and periodic data y que se ha dado una cifra (1.4 million euros) cuando era de 70,000 euros”.
Parera emphasizes: “I enjoy it. “The UCO analyzed about 9,000 e-mails and it took months before they discovered that it was only a fictitious creation according to the size of the Sánchez brother, but they believed it with suspicion, because in fact they wrote in these e-mails the Diputación de “They did not find a direct order to the president of Badajoz or anyone related to the Diputación to create this position,” the expert explained.
Por lo que, tal como sostenie la journalistista, “esta causa se ha desinflado un montón” y en lo que que respect a la parte patrimonial (del hermano de Sánchez), “se ha desinflado por completo, a la vista del calculo hecho sobre las” actions of BBVA”, concluded Parera. Video for all analysis.
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