Los querellantes Contra Juan Carlos I uses Público el diario for the famous buscar.

Los querellantes Contra Juan Carlos I uses Público el diario for the famous buscar.

Los querellantes Contra Juan Carlos I uses Público el diario for the famous buscar.

  1. Pretend it exists for social discontent
  2. You can use the graveyard to attract public attention
  3. A simple process to connect to the Internet
Unlike Juan Carlos I, he uses Público to gain popularity.

Un grupo de exmagistrados y exfiscales ha un paso adelante verde Legal opponent of Juan Carlos Isubmit una querella por presuntos delitos fiscales. Most un esfuerzo por reinforcer el apoyo popular y Darle meor visibility a esta causa, los querellantes han recurrido al Diario Públicoque se ha convertido en un vehicule clave para involurar a la ciudadanía.

Pretend it exists for social discontent

A platform for communication environment has enabled recoger firmslet those interested in a cause.

Bajo el lemmaSuma tu voz y apoya la querella against ray emerito por delito fiscal”, the newspaper invites users to register their name, surname and email address as an example of support.

This strategy shows itself demonstrates the social dimension of discontent con la ducta del rey émérito y fortarer la legitimidad de la action court.

You can use the graveyard to attract public attention

La querella, leaderada por juristas, catedráticos, filósósos y periodistas, acusa a Juan Carlos de Borbon de cinco delitos fiscales. Promoters are not responsible for public organizations that engage in violations of the law.

Los firmantes del manifesto que aseguran la justicia debe ser igual todosJefatura del Estado ostentado included.

A simple process to connect to the Internet

The joining process is simple: interested parties should visit the link provided Public y completed un breve formulario.

Answer the average Ha sido positiva en las primeras horasreflects the growing interest of citizens in issues of justice and transparency. The campaign is supported by prominent figures from the legal and academic fields, who believe that this movement can be antes and después.

To participate and learn more about the lawsuit, those interested can visit the public link: Suma tu voz y apoya la querella contra el rey emérito. You can incorporate your company there to contribute to the promotion of this cause.

Unlike Juan Carlos I, he uses Público to gain popularity.