El nuevo jefe del Consejo Europeo, Portuguese Antonio Costaha pedido consejo al exsecretario general de la OTAN, Jens Stoltenbergsober cómo tratar con éxito a Donald Trump. His successor in the Atlantic Alliance, Mark Ruttefue uno de los primeros líderos mundiales en viajar a Mar-a-Lago In the electoral victory, the tycoon's estadounidense pleitesía redir. La president Ursula von der LeyenIt is not certain that he will also visit the Trump sanctuary in Miami before January 20, whose Second Commission has just been approved by the Eurocámara.
European leaders, whose goal was announced, began intense preparatory activities Minimize Los daños Casa Blanca and the Republican regreso. For now, the EU has survived the first attack of anger orchestrated by Trump this week Mexico, Canada and China. It is an unimplemented initial program rate general del 25% from the 1st day of his mandate 10% surcharge may apply from Asian countries. Un castigo por no hacer bastente en la lucha contra la immigración illegal and illegal road transport.
Brussels is no problem for Europeans: 10% and 20% recargo generales, que podría llegar al 100% in caso de los coches. En una interview a Bloomberg campaignTrump complained about a trade deficit of $300,000 million (false figure, the real one is around 125,000 million in 2023). “La UE nos trata tan mal”confirmation.
Los dirigentes comunitarios también han extraído lessons from the experience of his main mandate: el magnate estadounidense impuso derechos aduaneros a la aceituna negra española It is a number of commercial companies against the subsidies of Brussels and Brussels in steel and aluminum Europe and Airbus and Boeing.
La Comisión Von der Leyen is getting ready secret plan He protected Trump's honor. Under this program, the general programs are as follows: initial programs for a series of advertisements; however Desplegar en paralelo un arsenal de contrataque si el apaciguamiento fracasa y el 'renacido' Presidente de EEUU sigue adelante consus aranceles.
However, in recent days, EU leaders have begun to specify their proposals to Trump. President of the Central European Bank (ECB). Christine Lagardedefiende apostar por lo que ella misma ha bautizado como “Estrategia de la Checkera”. “We can offer to buy certain things in the U.S. and signal that we're willing to sit down at the table and see how we can work together. I think that's a better scenario than just a strategy of repression, and it's an eye-for-an-eye dynamic.” ha dicho este jueves Lagarde en una interview al FT.
“Europe could talk Compare with natural gas in Unidos. It obviously falls into this category defense productshe emphasized.
Von der Leyen himself publicly mentioned US liquefied natural gas at a recent summit in Budapest, which could help the Europeans stop Moscow's energy imports. “Todavía recibimos mucho LNG de Russia. “Why don't we replace it with American LNG, which is more convenient for us and will lower our energy prices,” said President Trump, reiteró que trabajará duro “para mantener una con la la American administration”.
In the interview, Lagarde insists that the spread of tariffs will have very negative economic consequences. “Of course, it is for the escalada to produce a balance for any negative impact. It is of no use, it is not Unidos with any European country.” This would lead to a global decline in PIB“, BCE president announced.
In the end, the EU wants to appeal to Trump's business instincts, which he likes to drive hard and close deals. “My approach is quite simple and direct. I aim very high and then I don't stop pushing to get what I'm looking for. Sometimes I settle for less than what I'm looking for, but most of the time I end up with lo que quiero”, asegura en su biografía autorizada, que se llama precisely The art of negotiation.
During the first term of office, decisions were made regarding unity efforts. In July 2018The then Chairman of the Commission, Jean-Claude JunckerTrump por el que la UE, which has already committed to importing more liquefied natural gas from EEUU to diversify its energy basket, signed an agreement. En materia agrícola, Juncker announced that Europeans will buy more soybeans.
At the beginning of his first term Von der Leyen signed Trump's email “acuerdo de la langosta”por el que la UE eliminó los angeles sobre las importaciones de jemplares alive ve congelados de este crustáceo procedings de EEUU. It's really impressive: North American countries that barely reach 100 million euros in Europe. However, the temperature of the trade war needs to be reduced.
Anyway, Trump ninca eliminates los aranceles and las aceitunas negras ispañolas ni al acero y aluminio europeos. With the Boeing-Airbus war, ademas is reloading to end Joe Biden's mandate. Incógnita ahora es si la “strategia de la checkera” de Lagarde will work this time, and to the same extent.
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