Las declarations of Colonel Francisco Vasquez han sido clave para Dismantling Gobierno versions There is no reason to discredit Victor de Aldama. Although the official version removed the concerns of 'Nicolás', only the evidence that formed the basis of the story was presented.
Vázquez, en su declaración ante el juez, He confirmed that he was cooperating directly with the Guardia Civiluna confirmation que habia ahora había sido rechazada por el cuerpo. También ha Aldama regardingo ratified a version drone purchase Destineto a la unidad contra el terroismo jihadista, un punto que había sido negado por el Gobierno.
Colonel, que había mantenido silencio sobre su implicación, reveló que Tanto Aldama como Koldo García collaborates “no crime” Special purpose services, Villalba team travel, appointment as actual. In addition, Vázquez recognized the order Aldama received, although he accepted professional secrecy in order not to disclose the reasons that led to the awarding of the medal.
Uno de los momentos fue The photo was taken by cacería with Vázquez and AldamaIt was organized by the commissioner at the request of the colonel together with the employees of the intelligence agencies. Esta imagen echa por tierra las affirmaciones previas del Gobierno, que había dementido las relaciones de Deception with international agencies such as the FBI or CIA.
The colonel's testimony reinforced Aldama's version that he was in Ferraz during the 2019 key election night for the Socialists. The investigation was launched by the spokesman del Gobierno. laSexta column ha mostroto pruebas irrefutables de que The deception was thereen un momento algido for el partido.
Este lunes, se ha dejado claro que la version del comisionista, que durante meses fue tachada de falsa, cuenta con evidence that seriously undermines the official position. According to Aldama, the Fiscal still has more evidence, which suggests that there could be new and surprising developments in the case in the next few days.
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