Agradable, infundirá confianza y será capáz de express sorpresa, alegría ya seriousdad cuando con los Zaragozanos que estará al otro lado de la pantalla. Designers are designed for specific paragraphs evitar que los ciudadanos estén incómodos al sitarse frente a una machine con una figure que comportará como si fuera un humanoesquivando el efecto 'the uncanny valley'. El Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza looks to the future and mediation of artificial intelligence (IA), quiere Enhance data services que ofrece a los ciudadanos. Y modernizarlo. Avatar You should be ready in six months y costará, como máximo, 62,000 euros.
Communication with citizens incluirá intelligentia artificial en el avatar, que It will provide information through an electronic headquarters and two digital totemscon una versión hyperrealista, que se instalarán en sedes municipales. Con el avatar se podra hablar sobre las fiestas del Pilar, sobre la zona azul, sobre los impuestos…, e irá interaccionando segun el tema. Its design will be linked to other municipal contracts to be awarded by the council, and it will seek to improve municipal data through artificial intelligence.
Realistic human appearance talking agent, avatar, It will have a maximum of three characters and will be used on smartphonespersonal computers, tablets, and digital devices have large dimensions. Interactuará en tiempo real en españolspeak text to write text to speech and speech to text.
The visual identity created for the avatar will include the characters and their scenariosmaterial graphic support and characteristics of the capital Aragonesa. At the very least, it will have a generative artificial intelligence model that allows for dialog with users of the system.
Avatar Debeca poder atender correction patient mil usuarios concurrentes. The contract includes support and maintenance of the character and his knowledge for two years. Los ciudadanos They will have access to a guide that will explain clearly and concisely Basics of function. With current deadlines allowing companies to submit their proposals until December 10, Zaragoza's avatar could be released at the next fiestas del Pilar.
Consistory's ambitious proposal to turn Zaragoza into a “smart city”. includes an investment of 70 million euros over seven years y pivota sobre la puesta en marcha de un assistant virtual, gemelos digitales y plan de formation funcionadores. Zityverse covers 9 million euros for this year, distributed in various contracts. One would be someone who wants to design an avatar, a clear figure of a virtual assistant.
The basis of this innovative model It is in data analysisand the City Council intends to create a maintainable Espacio de Datos to have a solid base to guide decision-making to achieve an improvement in the quality of life. Tiene allocated a budget of 434,884 euros.
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