El Independiente journalist, Juanma Romero Criticism with Al Rojo Vivo to celebrate anti-abortion and anti-LGTBI. Approved by PPya que los populares tienen majoias definitely.
“Es absolutely unbearable que el Senado haya acogido este cumbre. “An institution that represents all Spaniards (like the Senate) cannot accept such views that are not respected,” Romero said.
Por lo tanto, the journalist added: “If you want to defend this type of ultra ideas, completely involutionists and carcasses, you should go to a hotel or organize as you like, but you should not use an institution like the Senate to defend these ideas.” , ideas que, por supuesto, que permean en la sociedad (…) Yo no sé como al PP no se le cae la cara de shame al haber permitido esta indignidad en el Senado“, conclude Romero. Watch the video, complete the intervention.
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