Spain Protection from environmental protection proceedings shortage of one million young people in green professions, according to the report La Formación Profesional before the challenges of environmental sustainability in Spaindevelops and presents CaixaBank Dualiza y Orkestra – Instituto Vasco de Competitividad. Estudio, en el que se analyzan los retos del país in materia de sustainability, realiza un aálisis de la composición del mercado laboral para desafícios answers.
The presence of analysis is concrete 502 professions, of which only 117 will be cataloged as green. For this, you can have the potential relacionados or the highest potential for energy resources and energy resources, reducing natural gases, protecting biodiversity or restoring ecosystems. With this section, you can also see which sectors have the largest population working in green occupations.
Of all the occupations analyzed, there are only four where more than half of the professionals are green (Agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry and fishing; Water supply and sanitation activities; Information and communication; and Electricity, gas, steam and air supply. air conditioning). Según el studio, esto muestra “Need for gradual increase of green occupations”. In addition, the number of people working in these sectors is 1,751,695.
Globally, in all sectors, more than 1,830,000 people are over 50 years of age, and only 830,000 are between 15 and 29 years of age. Brecha de más de un million de jóvenes necesarios para affrontar el levevo with guarantees”.
Referring to a set of sectors and focusing on 117 green professions, the researchers analyzed what research is key to developing them and concluded that 71 of them are related to PFLP (41 de Grado Medio and 30 de Grado Superior), and 38 correspond to the university level. The rest would be elementary professions with low qualifications.
Peso de la Formación Professional
This analysis made it possible to determine the weight of the educational methods identified when contributing to the transition to the environment. So the studio reflects that la FP “será fundamental” and in this process because people with these studies performing green professions constitute a high percentage in some construction sectors (35.2%); information and communication (34.7%) or industrial producer (34.5%).
He also notes that FP is one of the main providers of talent in the labor market, as 24.6% of the occupied population has this level of education. “LFP is very important for updating knowledge, skills and abilitiestanto de los jóvenes como de las occupied persons”, accurate information.
Dentro de esos estudios, también se ha investigado el peso que tiene la sostenibilidad enviromentario y los experto ha visto como de los 181 ciclos formativos que hay en España, con matriculación tanto de LOGSE, all men LOGSE 60-series “basic transitions for the basicsal formar a los profesionales que despegnaan occuaciones verdes priority”.
Despite the fact that it is only one third of the total number of available periods, the number of students enrolled in them is more than 41% of the total number of students studying in FP. In numbers, los estudiantes matriculados en ciclos verdes el curso pasado will rise to 413,253, casi dos tercios de todos los de Grado Superior y un tercio de Grado Medio. 237,079 cuando on casi is increasing at a rate of 74%.
Greater interest in FP studies, and specifically green cycles, has had a direct impact on the qualification of technicians, which reached 111,557 in the last course available in 2021-22. Here it is It is 94% more than in 2013-14It reached 57,497 years, and at the same time, it was also reflected in the laboratory.
The latest data on this market show that in 2023 España contaba con 1,548,031 professionals in FP and other professions41.8% more than in 2014, 4% annual media crecido. If the trend continues in the same way, this number could increase to 2,059,163 by 2035, crossing two million.
In addition, the studio has also updated them oportunidades de empleo que will be created in the next decade2025-35, final 12,036,637, de las que 3,322,770 serán para tecnicos de FP. “El empleo verde will have an important weight for this generation of workers, because the global community, many opportunities for FP, the best opportunities for potential potential,” the report concludes.
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