Product description
Carrot cake is based on carrot cake, a staple of Anglo-Saxon baking. This combination of ingredients not only gives an unusual taste, but also incorporates the root as a healthy ingredient. El bizcocho se corona con un suave glazedado de queso cream, que complementa la perfección el dulzor del biscocho.
Composition and nutritional value
Los ingredients de la tarta de zanahoria de Hacendado consist of grated carrots, sugar, eggs, flour, dried fruits and spices such as cinnamon. Prepare creams for custard, custard, azucar glass and vanilla. As with any industrial product, it's important to check the label for calorie and specific nutritional information. In general, these types of pastels are high in calories due to their sugar and fat content.
This postre lacteo Carrot Cake is served in 750 g portions and is ideal for dates or meetings with friends. It has an attractive presentation that emphasizes homemade flavor with smooth finish and simple decor. Keep it in a conservatory and protective case until it's time for you to serve it.
Basta con descongeralra antes de servir. Leave at room temperature for a few hours or use the microwave for faster thawing. Once descongelado, puede comerlo tal cual ya decorarlo con nueces picadas ya un poco de queso crema si lo deseas.
Reviews and popularity
Hacendado carrot cake reviews are generally positive. Many consumers appreciate their original taste and spongy texture. The combination of moist cake and cream cheese is a delicacy for the palate. In addition, the convenience of being a frozen product allows consumers to enjoy a delicious dessert without spending a lot of time preparing it.
Sin embargo can be the best treatment and advertisements for products. No obstante, tiene una solida posición en el mercado por su calidad y sabor familiar.
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