La sanidad privada gestiona casi la mitad del gasto sanitario que se realiza en España

La sanidad privada gestiona casi la mitad del gasto sanitario que se realiza en España

The private health sector accounts for 48% of health care spending in Spain. Of the 131,984 million euros spent in 2022, the private sector received 63,617 million. The largest contributors to the private health sector are individuals, accounting for 73% of total expenditure, which is 3.1% of PIB. Los Private health insurers are the sector's second largest customer at 24%.

During the presentation of the study, ASPE President Carlos Rus emphasized the difference in efficiency to managing wait times. In the public system, the average time between prescription and surgery is 121 days, while in the private sector, seven out of ten patients are operated on in less than 15 days. There is no basis for diagnosis: 81% of patients in two weeks are private, and in 90 days they are public.

Based on these data, Rus noted that “the primary role of private healthcare is to drain the public system.” And he argued that the authorities should accept it as such: “como un complemento de la pública”, he argued. The president of the group noted that in terms of infrastructure, the number of private hospitals reached 431, which represents 56% of the total offer in Spain.

Desde la crisis de la covid, y sobre todo en la asistencia primaria, las listas de espera baten records. During June of this year, 848,340 patients awaiting surgery were registered by the Ministry of Health. 3.4% more than a year ago. Of these, 20.5% are waiting six months.

Sin embargo, according to another report presented by pharmaceutical group Stada a week ago, 71% los españoles are satisfied with the public health system. The data is significant, Spain is 15 points above the European percentage. In the presentation of the analysis, the doctor of the Spanish General Medical Society (SEMG) Dr. Juana Sánchez explained that one of the main problems is the aging of the population and the obstacle it creates on the waiting lists for participation in jobs. sencillos. The strategy is responsible for solving a problem, “to communicate with a mandatory mayor, it is necessary to focus first”. Greater dialogue and “coordination between different actors of the sanitation system”.

Flexible resource

A similar conclusion was reached by the president of ASPE, who defined the private system as a “flexible resource that meets demand.” In fact, “the health policy behind the sector, which employs almost half a million health workers, makes it impossible to make decisions”. “The cooperation agreement privada no es algo que tenga que justifyarse, lo lógico, dentro de la gestion publica, es la collaborationación”, he defended.

As a result, it is a very different autonomous. Catalonia, Madrid and Andalucía are the regions where the private management infrastructure registers the highest participation in the health system. Of the 94 existing hospitals in Andalusia, 59 are private. In Madrid, the figures are similar, with 48 of the 85 existing centers being privately run. In the case of Catalonia136 out of 199 are private. In addition, in this community, in all criteria analyzed in the APSE study – discharge, stay, surgical intervention, emergencies, consultations and births – private healthcare covered more than 50% of all cases, except for “high” 49.40%.