72 hours of emergency: UE busca mejorar la repuesta de los hogares a crisis in extreme situations

72 hours of emergency: UE busca mejorar la repuesta de los hogares a crisis in extreme situations

La Union Europea debe elevarar la capacidad de respuesta de los ciudadanos ante un escenario de crisis grave o guerra. The aim is to enable homes to face all types of emergencies through special education programmes, including incorporating them into teaching curricula and other emergency measures. This is one of the key recommendations of a wide-ranging European report commissioned by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to serve as a guide to EU and member state policies.

The document, coordinated by former Finnish president Sauli Niinisto and presented in Brussels this Wednesday, argues in very specific detail that, under normal conditions, homes should be equipped to be self-sufficient for at least 72 consecutive hours. basic services are suspended. “Tenemos que cambiar de mentality. Get ready [ante un escenario de crisis] Von der Leyen can have any effect besides advertido. Contact you to do this la guerra no es algo is impossible y las crisis tampoco, advierte el documents.

Security has become a key element of European politics. también para la ciudadanía. The Union seeks to strengthen these measures after the experience of the coronavirus pandemic, but above all in the context of the constant Russian threat after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. The community club has not registered cases of sabotage and hybrid warfare. de actors foreign and también ciberataques internos. On the other hand, the climate crisis is growing.

“The main task today is to make sure that we are able to ensure the safety of Europeans and that they are prepared for all risks.” Y esas escala de riesgo es enorme”, ha dicho Niinisto this Wednesday in a rueda de pressa junto a la jefa del Ejecutivo comunitario. The former mandate stipulates that at least 20% of the EU budget be dedicated to security and crisis preparedness, and defines two specific budgetary mechanisms (one for defense and one for civil protection) for this purpose. This goal may be an uphill battle in the next political fight over the EU's multiannual budget, and little progress is being made.

“Many events in recent years have been a wake-up call,” Von der Leyen said. “Our lives have been interrupted by the pandemic, war has returned to Europe and extreme weather events are the new modality of climate change,” said the Commission President. In the last few months, extreme events such as floods have occurred in several European countries. The latest case, which is very common, last los estragos que ha la gota fría en Valencia and otras comunidades de España caused Previous to this Monday, you can produce a number of other episodes Central Europe y los Balcanes.

Preparation of Europeans for the crisis —desde una eergencia sanitaria a una climática o cortes de energía grand escala o ciberataques e incluso agresión armada— es muy changeable, aunque la conciencia ante los risgos es meor. 95% of Community Club citizens agree that their country is at risk of more than one disaster, with climate as a key element. According to Eurobarometer, 37% have personally experienced a disaster (más allá de la covid) in the last ten years. However, 58% do not feel well prepared for disasters and only 46% know what to do when they do.

For example, Finland

Finland is one of the countries with the basic preparedness of its citizens in case of crisis, from health to war. Von der Leyen commissioned the report to the former president of the Nordic country at a time when the European Union is debating what security and defense model it should follow.

El extenso studio, que debatirán también los Estados members, takes an x-ray of the EU's readiness and proposes a series of measures to improve it. Relinquish strategy is an integral part of UE, which guarantees essential resources and features for reliable storage under current conditions. And strengthen the crisis management center.

Niinisto also suggests that the Twenty-seven intelligence agencies should step up their cooperation and move towards a “fully developed” service. However, so far, member states are extremely reluctant to share detailed intelligence information with the center dealing with it at the European level (European Union Intelligence and Situation Center, Intcen) and prefer bilateral exchanges. There are 27 countries, including Viktor Orban's Hungary, which are close to Moscow and have different levels of trust.

Provide information on routine decision making procedures to make decisions about crisis situations. “The original proposals, los vetos pueden utilitarianse como moneda de cambio para negociaciones politicas non relacionados, basadas and interes millies,” the study says. In a more extreme scenario, the veto mechanism can even be “instrumentalized” by foreign rivals and competitors who can exploit the dependencies and weaknesses of different Member States to interfere with EU decision-making through specific pressures. “A hostile actor can use the strategic dependence of a single member state or other forms of influence and prevent the entire EU from making decisions,” he noted.