“Desolados“Kings were shown before the last news of the day Felipe VI (56 years old) Letizia this Wednesday morning October 30th. Your Highnesses han querido transmitar su más sentido pésame to the family members and allegados of more than 50 deceased due to this historic storm that hit a part of the southeast of our country with great force.
“Besides, you can do whatever you need“, note the red social X (antes, Twitter) messages with Casa de Su Majestad el Rey.
También han querido trasladar los sovereigns su mensaje “recognition and recognition of local and autonomous bodies for emergencies, Fuerzas Armadas y Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado por el trabajo titanánico que llevan realizante desde el primero momento,” the communique added. La dana has killed 52 people in the province of Valencia and affected Comunidad Valenciana, Castilla-La Mancha and the rest of Andalusia.
Latest notifications regarding DANA should be received. We were able to get to know 50 of the deceased.
You can do whatever you need for the requirements.
Our message is closer to local authorities and recognized…
— Casa de SM el Rey (@CasaReal) October 30, 2024
This past Wednesday night, at the top of the day, la Casa de Su Majestad el Rey spread another information through social networks. You can get information about what you are most interested in”The devastating consequences of DANA in the Community of Valencia, Castilla-La Mancha, Murcia, Andalucia and elsewhere in Spain. Nuestro más ferviente deseo de que los desaparecidos sean localização con vida y rescatados cuanto antes, y nuestra solaria con los mil de afectados”.
“Thank you to all the emergency servicesbombers, police locals, Fuerzas Armadas, Policía Nacional y Guardia Civil por la commendable labor que están realizante en condicions tan fíciles “, they concluded.
We are watching with great concern the devastating consequences of DANA in Comunidad Valenciana, Castilla-La Mancha, Murcia, Andalucia and other parts of Spain.
By the way, you can change local or other locations…
— Casa de SM el Rey (@CasaReal) October 29, 2024
El King Felipe VIque viajó anche a Gran Canaria Clause The participant is very interested Sirius 24 The Air and Space Army is in constant contact with the government and the presidents of the affected autonomies. keeping up to date with the progress of this disaster.
by you, Su Majestad la Reina Letizia presidirá este jueves, 31 de oktubre, la XVI Convención NAOS (Nutrition, Actividad Física y Prevención de la Obesidad) and XVII Premios Estrategia NAOS junto al Ministro de Derechos Sociales, Consumo20, entered Consumo20. Pablo Bustinduy y al President and Secretary General de Consumo y Juego, Andres Barragan.
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