The Gobierno 'cuela' is a fiscal reform with increases for 'Airbnb' for diesel, IRPF, tobacco, e-cigarettes and IVA.

The Gobierno 'cuela' is a fiscal reform with increases for 'Airbnb' for diesel, IRPF, tobacco, e-cigarettes and IVA.

El Gobierno ya ha puesto sobre la mesa su Financial reform promised to the European Commission by 2025. Entre sus offers hay varias subidas fiscales: Create a la banca (which will be temporary and bring progressivity), increase the tax on diesel (to replace gasoline) and tobacco, and the tax on liquids and nicotine from e-cigarettes and vapeadores. aumentar and IRPF Rent of the capital and IVA de la vivienda turística.

We are talking about the most current content of the amendments presented by the Socialist Group in collaboration with Nazirio de Hacienda. Proyecto de ley guarantees minimal taxation by multinational companies. Flour Caballo de Troya Normative who wants to hire the department of Maria Jesús Montero to carry out numerous fiscal changes that could be introduced in 2025.

El Gobierno has already suggested that the proposed measures will be taken libro blanco for fiscal reform que María Jesús Montero ancargó hace dos años. That was it. Entre las enmiendas propuestas, a las que ha tenido acceso este periódico, está la Subida fiscal del diesel.

Specifically, se elimina la bonificación que tenía el diesel frente a la gasoline. The measure will take effect on April 1, 2025 and will not affect professional gas oil.

It includes a tax reduction mechanism if the price of this fuel increases for two consecutive months and exceeds the norm on average. 2 euros per litery si la media de cotización del barril de Brent se incrementa ese segundo mes por encima de la media del barril de mes previous.

On the other hand, Contact the Minister of Healthse gravarán los liquide y la nicotine que emplean vapers and e-cigarettes with a new tax. Y, in a general sense, Products containing tobacco will be taxed (el impuesto sobre las labores del tobacco).

El Ejecutivo mantiene su politica de elevararar la tributación de las rentas altas Offer capital above €300,000 (28% and 29%) and IRPF.

Otro lado, está el nuevo impuesto a la banca, que finally será temporal. Grava el margen de interest y comisiones que obtenien las entitas de crédit y las branches de las Foreign entities in Spain la actividad que desarrollan en nuestro país.

El tipo del impuesto will be one progressive character (del 1% and 6% funcio de la liviable) and 25% de la Quota de Sociedades. In addition, an emergency deduction is established for those who experience a continuous decrease in their profitability.

It will be effective for tax periods beginning on January 1, 2024 and due in 2025. It will be implemented for three consecutive years from 2024.

Likewise, in the proposed amendments, the Gobierno included a commitment to promote the amendment of the IVA directive in the EU. The goal is power record the rentals of tourist accommodation in areas where the real estate market is tight, it is usually promoted on digital platforms.