Alternatively, reconsider: In Riaño, any auxiliary device is.

Alternatively, reconsider: In Riaño, any auxiliary device is.

A 65-year-old woman was rescued after falling while hiking on Pico Gilbo in Riaño (Leon).

Según information el 112 Castilla y León, ha ocurrido sobre las 15:25, cuando la operaciones ha recibilo una llama alertando lo ocurrido, solicitando asistencia sanitaria para la herida e indicato que que esta sehabsofterse, nowhere, nowhere. persistent la ruta.

While dealing with a difficult location for land vehicles, the 112 manager held multiple conferences with Emergencias Sanitarias de Sacyl, who were responsible for making the first assessment and what to do until the emergency services arrived.

Likewise, he dispatched an ambulance for basic life support and contacted the Emergency Coordination Center.

Este, por su parte, was responsible for coordinating the incident, locating the exact location of the victim and transporting the Junta de Castilla y León rescue helicopter to the area with two rescuers, one of whom was a nurse. In addition, the Civil Guard was informed by 112.

Image of rescue in Riaño (León).


After entering the area, the rescue helicopter approached the area and remained stationary to allow the rescuers to land.

Estos se han engarbado de stabilizar a la herida con una férula en la perna herida y se le ha colocado un triangle de to perform the rescue helicopter maneuver for evacuation, junto a la recuetadora infermera.

Fortunately, the woman was transferred in an ambulance to the health center for basic life support, awaiting the arrival of the health workers responsible for her transfer.