MN4 de Alfafar is located in the underground parking in the central commercial center underground parking.

MN4 de Alfafar is located in the underground parking in the central commercial center underground parking.

You can get out of an emergency Comunitat Valenciana They continue rescue operations in the underground parking lots of the affected shopping centers DANA que asoló Valencia y su área metropolitana el pasado on October 29.

The priority of firefighters and UME personnel working in these areas is to remove accumulated water and clear mud to facilitate the search for possible victims trapped in these spaces.

One of the critical points is parking central commercial Bonaire and AldaiaThe largest of the Community of Valencia and one of the mayors of Spain.

Desde este domingo, ons de efectivos trabajan sin descanso. Although no body has been found yet, the work continues.

Los bomberos también siguen han avanzado este lunes en el gelue de agua del parcarico de dos plantas del located in centro comercial MN4, Alfafar. An eye examination was carried out at the first plant of the underground parking this Monday, 12 vehicles and no bodies were found.

“Esta mañana hemos realizados tareas de inspection con zodiac y con barca comprobando vehicules y no hemo encontaro a nadie, afortunadamente”, he explained in his statements to EFE. Francisco SorianoTechnical Director of the Provincial Consortium of Malaga Firefighters, one of the influential groups working in MN4.

Not much to bombard Cádiz, Córdoba or Granada, Others from Madrid and Bilbao, as well as the Unidad Militar de Emergencias (UME), all came to Valencia “sacrificingly and voluntarily”, according to their superiors.

Before a visual inspection this morning, firefighters had to wait until the power supply was completely cut off to prevent accidents, especially since the condition of the roof could have been dangerous.

22,000 meters

Regarding water, Fuengirola's fire chief, Jose Julian Bueno, stated that they are taking all appropriate safety measures to prevent possible infections among rescuers.

There are very few underground plants 22,000 square meters and about 3 meters highAccording to Soriano, they collected more than 80 million liters of water.

Este lunes ha llegado una bomba de achique “bastante potente” de la UME. Meanwhile, the second plant of the parking lot will decrease “a lo largo del día mañana”.

“We worked for two full days and yes, the fatigue is noticeable,” he acknowledged the fire chief, but he emphasized that the support of the public “removed the physical fatigue and in the end there was no problem.” cansado ni de nada”.

Bueno also stressed that what happened in Valencia “exceeds the capacity of any administration” and warned that “what you see on television is 1% of what is actually here”.

It is difficult to explain its greatness with words and pictures“he regretted.

Los bomberos que trabajan en el MN4 han acapado su mission cuando ha áído la noche, para reemprenderla cuando la luz varua.