Trump concludes campaign confident of victory over Kamala Harris: “Podemos ganar con bastante facilidad”

Trump concludes campaign confident of victory over Kamala Harris: “Podemos ganar con bastante facilidad”

Former President of the United States and Republican candidate for the White House Donald Trump (2017-2021) was shown at the last meeting of the campaign Convinced de que va a ganar dirty elections que se celebran este martes y en las que se frontena a la vice-presidenta, Kamala Harris.

“I think we should.” con bastante facilidad. Está totalmente en nuestras manos”, he pointed out at a meeting in his city Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Trump criticized it in his speech Machines lentitud according to the results of the elections. “¿Qué diablos está pasando dentro de esas máquinas? We want the answer tomorrow, tonight,” he said, always interested in casting doubt on the results because of the adjusted margins in the various states.

His meeting, a quarter of a marathon day for the major states, started almost two hours after midnight at Van Andel Arena, the NBA's minor league stadium. 12,000 peopleabarrotado for expresidente recibir.

He confirmed that the Michigan city of 195,000 is “not special.” At least, you can hold presidential elections three times. Michigan won in 2016, and since then the state has moved up the list of key states.

The Republican's choice of modest stadium contrasted with the Democratic candidate's choice to close his campaign: Philadelphia, the cradle of American democracy. Artists are invited by Lady Gaga or Ricky Martin.

“Ella tuvo un mitin hoy.” There are not 100 people thereand yo he tenido los cuatro estadios llenos “, the former president confirmed about the incident of Harris, who was full.

Arropado en el scenarios for varios de sus hijos y aupado por sus fansáticos, que esperaron durante horas para presiencia su ultimo mythin como candidado a la presidencia, el politico de 78 años definíó a Harris “una lunática de izquierda radical”.

“However, there are no conditions weakness, incompetence, decline (…) With his vote tomorrow, we can solve all the problems facing our country and bring the United States, de hecho, the world to new heights of glory,” he said.

Todo lo que hay que hacer, he confirmed, “conseguir que la Gente Voice”. “Ustedes hagan que la gente vote. Ellos (los democrats) no pueden hacer nada al regardo. We will win“, he assured.

Empathos en las encuestas

He was able to appear in front of Harris and Trump. complementary empathados, el republicano confirmed that his party was “leading by hundreds of miles of votes”.

As he did in two previous meetings in North Carolina and Pennsylvania, Trump again insisted on several of his campaign promises. mass deportation of illegal immigrants o la imposition de Aranceles is a China.

He also recorded assassination attempts and confirmed the conviction of many of his followers: “I believe it is true, God put me here to save this country.”he said.

Y de nuevo víltimo presentarse como una víctima de la justicia y que sólo se está confirmed that he would face Harris: “We will defeat the corrupt system of Washington, because I postulate against the evil democratic system,” he said. four casos for delitos penales.

Tres de ellos – linked to the asalto al Capitolio, la injerencia electrical o la retentione de documentos clasificados-están pendiente de solutionrse después de que el expresidente después de que el expresidente después de lassecciones.

Meanwhile, El de los Stormy Daniels is irregular with pornhizo que se virtiera en el primer expresidente estadounidense imputado y condenado por un delito penal.