Donald Trump is reclaiming the throne of Washington without a counterweight and with a world prone to war

Donald Trump is reclaiming the throne of Washington without a counterweight and with a world prone to war

The hosts of a program from India Today TV put a chick hippopotamus calf to guess the next president of the United States a la manera del pulpo Paul in 2010, and it fell like a beam. Donald Trump iba a ser, según el método más divertido que encontaron, el elegido por los estedidos para occuparse del despacho más poderoso del mundo durante los próximos cuatro años. La cría de hippopotamo pygmeo, para frustración de los Europeanistas, los ayatolás y más de la mitad de los norteamericanos, acertó en su instincto. that's it Trump won the electionlost them Kamala Harris – without further ado – and the certainty that the Republican candidate will rule with a much freer hand than in his first adventure.

Algunos analistas aventajados, como Jan Bremmerdespite the empathies drawn by the most reliable polls, he accepted that this tendency was the most natural. Seven in ten Americans are dissatisfied with the country's march, they have reformed, and most Democrats voted for change. “Sólo su unpopularidad”, remató en su cuenta de X, mantuvo a Trump como “una puesta ariesgada”. Disputes about your choice, arriesgada o no, se llevo cinco de ellos.

No pesó—lo suficiente—su divorcio con la reality durante la pandemia, cuando llegó sugerir que unas injecciones de jía acabarían con el virus. Tampoco peso — enough, a decir de su éxito en el voto popular— el recuerdo de sus ultimas escenas como president. Trump lost the election, Biden won, and without the embargo, he waged an unprecedented disinformation campaign to portray himself as the victim of a massive fraud, and mobs stormed the Capitol.

Contó el journalism politics Ezra Klein en su podcast que, cuando scriptió Why are they polarized?Average of concept development between 2019 and 2020. The divide between Democrats and Republicans in 2008 was, for example, over likes and dislikes for Obamacare. In 2024, the division created by Trumpism went even further: it questioned the legitimacy of democracy.

Throughout the campaign and up until last night, Trump maintained his doubts about the system. He left the door open at all times so that he would protest the outcome if the door did not fall in his favor. No precision, en adelante, los presentadores indios recurran al hipopótamo pigmeo de nuevo para adelantarse for proximos passos. The house is ordered to your liking, the two houses of parliament are painted red like the Supreme Court, and no president can extend his stay for more than two terms, so there is no reason to argue.

If the Russians are rejoicing in their victory over the surrender of Ukraine, the Iranians are worried: it was Kamala, not Trump, who advocated a ceasefire in the Middle East. For a very large part of Europe. El republicano, en los ultimos meses, repeated and repeated and repeated that his compromise with NATO was relative and that his vice president's words about Europe, JD Vanceinvites us to think that the ice ocean that separates Brussels and Washington will return.

Hay quien cree, como Mujtaba Rahmanque los europeans We will react to the blows: nos ocuparemos de nuestra propia defensa porque there is no medicine. Hay quien sostenie, en cambio, que la ingenuidad realizes the main idea: el triunfo de Trump, accompanied by disoriented Alemania, envalentonará a los hombres fuertes, como Viktor OrbanIt is ready to weaken within the European Union. Except no children.