Mazo's interior minister admits that a technician gave him the same 29-O information about the presence of a mobile signal.

Mazo's interior minister admits that a technician gave him the same 29-O information about the presence of a mobile signal.

La Consellera de Justicia e Interior Salome Pradas aseguró este jueves que no fue hasta las ocho de la tarde del October 29. Gobierno valenciano to warn the population about the emergency situation.

Así lo manifestó la politica valenciana en declaración a À Punt después de que fuentes Generalitat seguraran for EL ESPAÑOL que a las 20:00 on the same day, the State Secretary for the Environment, Hugo MoranCalled from Colombia For Pradas, forata se rompiera “alto riesgo” available ad.

“At eight o'clock in the afternoon I received a call from the Secretary of State for Ecological Transition, who reports directly to Minister Ribera, and he told me that he was in Colombia, now entering the situation, and he tells me that he cannot be sure that there is nothing,” manifestó Pradas en la televisión autonómica valenciana.

That's when a technician informs us that there is a mechanism called ES-Alert, which is not regulated in our autonomous plans, which is still a draft.“, the consultant added.

This Tuesday, October 29, was the first real-life activation of the mass warning system in the Community of Valencia.

Un fuerte pitido played simultaneously on all mobile devices, whether they were on silent or not. There is the same message with the same message: “Warn about preventive measures to protect the province.”

This tool, called ES-Alert, was launched in 2022 as a result of cooperation between European funds and the ministries of Interior and Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation.

Se trata un mandato europeo, ya que el Code 110 of the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) Determines that members ensure the neutralization of mobile phones for geolocalizadas alerts for systems with systematic features.

ES-Alert allows emergency responders to issue mass notifications to the entire population at risk via radio broadcasts, without the need to register or download any special software.

Community of Madrid Use this tool before the risk of flooding in September 2023.

Loads have been queried

There are two autonomous offices appointed by the administration: the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Internal Affairs, Salome Pradasy su número dos, el secretario autonomico de Emergencias, Emilio ArgüesoConfirm the autonomy of EL ESPAÑOL fuentes de la Administración.

The two are most responsible for emergency management, civil defense and firefighting. In the last month of July, they broke the autonomous governments with the PP.

Since President Mazon moved to the command post On the night of October 29ninguno de los dos performed a rueda de prensa. In addition, it does not bear any responsibility for any tragedy.

It has been fundamentally criticized by the Generalitat Valenciana since the beginning of the crisis Delay in issuing warnings to the public because the direction of emergencies is within their jurisdiction in the area.

A pesar de que la State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) Había emístó advertencias sobre el temporal y la The Jujar Confederation DANA is no longer provided with any information on cell phone alerts causing casualties.

This delay has been cited as a factor that exacerbated the effects of the storm, leaving many citizens stranded. Prepare adequately for para la riada en ciernes.

The afternoon of tragedy

El Centro de Coordinación Operativo Integrado (Cecopi) fue convocado por la consellera at 15:00 to celebrate at 17:00 on October 29. Poco antes de la tres de la tarde, Salome Pradas posted a message on social networks about the flooding of the rivers.

“Pedimos mucha precarinato a los vecinos de los municipios por donde el rio Magro and el Barranco del Poyo. Accidents for emergency hydrology and key zones. Sigan los consejos de los servicios de emergency services, there is no reason for any laders. Information No. 112″.

A partir de las cinco de la tarde, empieza la reunión de Cecopi, que se celebró de manera telemáticaaccording to the sources consulted. The Confederation is a reunification of bodies in emergency situations, including the Jujar Confederation, the Estado and the Directories General.

The Consellera de Interior did not make any decisions during the evening to protect the civilian population. The Generalitat maintains that it had no warning of the scale of the tragedy. Maintains constant communication with Pradas departments you can't reunite until morning.

“The situation is worrying in the entire Magro river basin, where problems have been recorded both upstream and downstream of the Forata dam. You have a contingency plan.”

Salome Pradas managed the activities of the Generalitat until President Mazon arrived at the coordination center before the historic raid.

At the same time, Emilio Argüeso Cecopi and Según diversas fuentes consultadas participate. tampoco tomo events por cómo se sucedieron los acontecimientos.

At 1:30 p.m., it will continue until 1:30 p.m., and then you'll spend more time with Carlet. There he was with the Consellera con los concejales and the local police, según fuentes de la Conselleria de Justicia e Interior.

ante la”gravityAccording to sources, the council called CECOPI and the entire team moved to the 112 emergency center in L'Eliana, “By Wednesday morning, Paiporta PMA was established,” they said.

This line, desde la Conselleria que, desde la Conselleria, pese a figurar en la agenda ública, no estuvo en la comisión taurina convocada.

In Valencia, DANA's causative estragos, but on the agenda of the loads on the agenda. no figura ninguna reunión previa los cuerpos de seguridad, con los cuerpos de seguridas, comunicar medias preventivados no tampoco.

A Argüeso le achacan no llegar al Puesto de Mando hasta 10 horas después de que Mazón confirmed an unspecified number of deaths at 11 a.m. on October 30. Fuentes de la Conselleria explicaron, no obstante, que estuvo and operation and direction for permanent contact.

How does the alert work?

El sistema, according to Civil Defense, can be accessed from autonomous emergency coordination centers within the National Civil Defense System.

Estos centros, junto con el National Emergency Control and Coordination Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairsfinal los responsible persons, within their powers, to determine and issue warnings when the situation requires.

Emergency response centers have access to the information system so that they can define the parameters of the warning they want to send, ie the type of risk, the observed or expected event, the area affected, the validity period. El mensaje a enviar a los ciudadanos.

After confirmation, the alert is sent to the systems located at the mobile phone operators, which are responsible for activating the sending of the message in the network cells located in that area.

Los telefonos situados en estas celdas reciben directamente el mensaje, sin need to establish a special connection.