El Partido Popular ha roto definitively el political duel que inició el pasado October 29, cuando Alberto Núñez Feijoo Order “No contact with Gobierno” regarding the DANA tragedy. There is nothing for “a moral question, más que politica”. Teresa Ribera is not the vice-president of the European Commission, she is “not responsible for Brussels and politics”.
Esas ultimas palabras end de Manfred WeberPresident of PP Europeo, Vice-President of Spain during the examination in the European Parliament this Tuesday. Aspirante for the position of Vice President of La Commission Ursula von der Leyen Füe acosada con dureza por su action durante la catástrofe de la DANA de hace dos semanas, sobre todo, por eurodeputados extranjeros.
Y eso se vivía como “un éxito” and PP ispañol. 24 hours ago there are union veterans. Indeed, Ribera is “likely” to cancel his candidacy. Y van pressinar a Von der Leyen para que “se dé cuenta de que no gana nada y sí ariesga mucho” mantenar la to accept the appointment Pedro Sanchez.
This Tuesday, los populares achieved something that was “absolutely impossible” the previous day: they managed to block the process of accepting in the European Chamber the third vice-president of the government as executive vice-president of the European Commission. Y que eso no fuse solo un teatrillo politico, sino una conjura conjura de todo el PP Europeo.
“Mandatory Comisión fuerte y unida, lista para actuar y cumplir.” We objectively evaluate candidates based on their performance, as well as their ability to perform without any obstacles related to their past or present activities, Weber continued: “We need clear political and legal guarantees.”
In any case, aspiranta in Spanish, si se da, nunca será antes de que “answer” There is no liability before today Parlamento español antes de buscar nuevas responsabilidades” in Europe.
Get updates from time to time hearing de Ribera will delay the PPE decision until the Eurocámara's plenary meeting, possibly at the end of November. Congressional and public appearances. Porque en el Parlamento Europeo las rehuyó.
“Teresa Ribera There is no information about flooding in Valencia. After 21.00, the Ministry can be notified at 12.00. Did he lie in the audience of the European Parliament?“he pointed out Marcus Ferbercoordinator of PPE in the economy commission.
“I was very disappointed after Teresa Ribera appeared,” he said Peter LiesePortavoz famous en la commission de Medio Ambiente. “No nos ha un mensaje claro was given de que algo tiene que cambiar y que la competition es más importante que en la antigua Comisión”.
Christian Ehler“You have not answered a la pregunta de qué pasaría si fuera imputada por lo de Valencia”. He raised, among others, the leader of the Spanish PP in Brussels. Dolores Montserrat.
“Señora, Ribera, ¿se compromete a dimitir si se ve envelopeta judicialmenteThere is no discord with von der Leyen or the president of the board of commissars?”.
Who decides
The three MEPs mentioned above are Germans like Weber and Von der Leyen and the CDU, the strongest party within the PP Europeo. My son los que decidirán si la española pasa el examendado que tiene el no ECR and los soberanistas, pasando por los patriotas.
“Lo que ya ha pasado es que no ha sido hoy, es seguro que no va ser mañana. Y si acaba siendo, A primary responder in Congress de todo lo que no ha hecho en estos 15 días”, concluded a fountain near Feijóo.
El PP ispañol, con el apoyo de los alemanes, y al menos parte de los Frenches y de los Italianoskey cards for a Von der Leyen.
President of the society Get to know Eurocámara in advance. And he will meet the leaders of the four main parties that back him on Thursday in a bid to defuse the ticking time bomb that has put his commission at risk.
Para Feijóo la cosa está clara. You should choose the only safe way to solve the problem: que sea ella la que le reclame a Sánchez la substitution de la candidatea “acceptable” for He que sea ella la que asuma que “prefiere tener una vicepresidenta amenazada por querellas” y por su responsabilidad en más de 220 muertes”.
De hecho, fuentes cercanas al politico gallego advierten de que si el proceso se alargaoften, y acaba en una votación del plenario de las three Commissionisiones parlamentarias que la examinaron este martes (Industry, Medio Ambiente y Economía), saten ganando.
De inicio, warned: “los votos tendendes for Tumbarlay los socialistas no los tienen para vetar a la nuestra, la Finland Henna Virkunnen“.
Ribera, who is responsible for the DANA crisis, is in any danger unless he is allowed to go to sea. “Y Von der Leyen Spanish has no problem a su colegio de comisarios”.
“Guerra sin prisioneros”
The leadership of the Spanish government in the Valencia tragedy was the catalyst for the blockade that the PP had wanted for several months. Given that there is no majority in the European Union, this is impossible. el “gran pacto”: We are in mid-November and the European government born from the elections in early June is still not armed.
At least tambalea.
“Lo que han hecho los populares is unacceptable”Commentary of Euro MPs with PSOE. “¿Bloquean a Ribera? Entonces, bloqueamos and todos los vicepresidentes”. Otro veterano socialista de la Eurocámara advertía de que si el PP se empeña en hacer caer a Ribera “es una declaración de guerra, y. no prisioneros, ni siquiera Ursula“.
Are there any best options in Brussels? Nadie termina de creerlo. “But not too much.” nadie se creía hace un día que esto fuera a pasar“, PP espanol officially reply. you are responsible for the tragedy“.
A detail highlighted by the intervening MEPs: Ribera sigue siendo ministra de Transición Ecológica, es decir, Responsible for AEMET and Hydrographic Confederation. Y most definitely examen pasar el asumiría son las que mismas compéncias son.
“Es Minister of DANAha estado escondida dos semanas, y nuestros colegas europeos se han enterado de ello”, destaca otra fuente popular en Europa.
Feijoo and Weber
“Si la noche del lunes pidió the visible congreso es solo porque Weber called Iratxe García en la noche del lunes“, the Spanish leader of the European Socialists, “y le dijo que sin dar explicaciones en el Parlamento español no podía esperar que el Europeo le diera el visto bueno”.
Y ese telefonazo de cortesía (“y de warning”, aclara otro alto cargo popular) was instigated by Feijóo. The same Galician leader who signed the truce with Sánchez for DANA was the one who broke it. This Monday afternoon, He had a video call with PP President Manfred Weber“No podemos accepts a vice-president with Teresa Ribera,” said the president of PP Europeo.
Y forced un movimiento que el Gobierno español no se espera. The influence of the German politician within the European PP is not discussed… while maintaining the support of the Spanish PP. Feijóo y él dependen mutuamente el uno del otro. And even more considering that the next congress of the party will be held in Spain next spring. In Valencia, to be exact.
Y eso puede explicar que el Bavaro se haya embarcado esta peligrosa aventura, más allá de que él tenga cuentas pendientes con Von der Leyen, y de que Feijóo no le deba nada to the chairman of the commission. Más bien al contrario, fue el PP español el que más dudó, el pasado marzo, para They put forward their candidacy for re-election in Bucharest.
Lo que viene ahora
Zozobra días vienen ahora. El PP español no podía to drag a Ribera después de una tragedia natural en la que political decisionsshut up inactive persons necessary explanation. “El día de autos, estaba haciendo lobby aquí en Bruselas”, one of the sources cited by the PP responds when asked about the vice president's accusations in the audience. Carlos Mazon because his Minister “envió las alertas a tiempo”.
The vice president accused him of not doing the necessary work to prevent riots in the area affected by the economic crisis in 2008. There are no contests to make decisions. For example, it is water company in 2011 in favor of these actions and in 2021 by the Ministry of the new paralysis of works.
On Thursday, Von der Leyen will seek a new compromise with the political leaders of the Eurocámara, now that the Socialists are fighting against Ribera's blockade with five other vice presidents.
If Weber's commitment to no progress is met until Ribera passes the Spanish Congress, the Spanish candidate can ask new questions in writing or even to a new audience. It is very popular Miguel Arias Canete en 2014, por empeño de un tal Sánchez, recently released as PSOE leader.
Y si aun así no se alcanzan los dos tercios de apoyos In the three commissions investigating Ribera, only one final choice will remain between the weighted votes of the coordinators of each group. Ajabar en el vote of three commissionsdonde podría salir confirmed (in this regard) The simplest.
“Pero tenemos los votos para que eso no passe”, assumes the source of the Spanish PP in Brussels. “Al menos, de momento”, matiza después. “There is probably no need están asustados de verdad“.
Are you ready for PP? There is an advertisement for PSOE “There's more to politics”en declaraciones de uno de sus europarliamentarios con más peso en el groupo europeo. This is how the presidency of the commission was decided.
This is a great duality, ¿logrará que el PP Europeo ponga en riesgo traditional grand coalition?
“I don't need anything Cuide de Sanchez y de Ribera“, answer citadas sources.
“There is no strategy The Commission is afraid Ribera accountability in DANA, Valencia la puede Matar“, added another.
“Por eso lohan preguntado los alemanes del PPE, y se marchan deceupados con las repuestas. Powerful, incompetent, y have no popular intentionslos nuestros salían horrorizados”, conclude una tercera.
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