La reina Letizia meets with social institutions to find out firsthand the assistance provided by DANA

La reina Letizia meets with social institutions to find out firsthand the assistance provided by DANA

La Reina Letizia agradecido a Cáritas, Cruz Roja, la Plataforma del Voluntariado de España, la Red Europea de la Lucha Contra la Pobreza y la Exclusión Social (EAPN) and la Plataforma de la Infancia. According to informed sources of the Real House, su ayuda a las víctimas de la DANA at this Saturday's meeting.

De este mode, la Reina ha conocido de primera mano The work of these organizations is for the restoration of DANA.

He also thanked the institutions for the work they are doing to respond to the current and future basic needs of those affected, with the aim of achieving recovery with a “social approach” and “permanezca en el tiempo”.

Specifically, Manuel Breton, president of Caritas Española, attended this Saturday's meeting. Carlos Susias, President of EAPN in Spain; Luciano Poyato, President of the Permanent Commission of the Spanish Volunteers Platform and Third Sector Platform; Carles López, President of the Spanish Children's Platform, and Daniel Fernández Gómez, Deputy General Coordinator of the Spanish Red Cross.

However, Reina had a similar encounter with him. Asosiación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC), la Spanish Federation of Rare Enfermedades (FEDER), ONCEla Confederación Salud Mental y El Comité Español de Representantes de Personas con Discapacidad (JERMI).

Child warning

El posible aumento de la poverty infantile y la El derecho a la educación needs a guarantee de los niños afectados por la dana, la “efergencia psicosocial” que ha provocado y la coordination de los voluntarios son algunas de preoccupaciones que varias entitas sociales han transladado la reina Letizia.

Carles López, president of the Children's Platform, explained the work of children's organizations in the area. More than 163.8 thousand girls, boys and teenagers live in the affected municipalities. por la catástrofe y ha transmitted su preoccupation sobre el posible augmente de la pobreza infantil en los próximos meses.

There is another concern of childhood organizations mentioned by López You need to be a guarantor for el derecho a la educación y al ocio para los menores cuyos centros escolares han sido destruidos. It is estimated that between 20,000 and 40,000 girls, boys and adolescents may be affected by their right to education.

This is about one “psychosocial emergency”Luciano Poyato, president of the Platform for the Third Sector (PTS), which represents about 28,000 social institutions, also said that the disaster had left many people in a state of “abject poverty”. “For social protection” is the main condition.