Suspension of Trabajo, DANA and CEOE 'no' tras el 'no' tras jornada para centarse sobre reunion de este lunes sobre reucción de jornada.

Suspension of Trabajo, DANA and CEOE 'no' tras el 'no' tras jornada para centarse sobre reunion de este lunes sobre reucción de jornada.

Nazirio de Trabajo stopped it Reconnect with social agents to solve the reduction of the day. Joaquín Pérez Rey, Secretary of State for Labor, explained that the decision was taken to focus all efforts on helping the areas affected by DANA.

Reunion with purpose obtener un “sí o un definitivo” a la proposal de reducir la jornada laboral From 40 to 37.5 hours. However, CEOE y Cepyme ya habien adelantado su rechazo a la medida. The employer considers that reducción de jornada supone una “intromisión en la autonomía de la negociación collective”.

En una interview en RNE, Pérez Rey criticized the position of the CEO, confirming that he does not adequately represent the interests of the companies.. “It does not adequately represent the interests of the companies of this country, but politics is playing, and this veto is more ideological than real,” he criticized. número dos Yolanda Diaz.

El secretario de Estado invited las patronales reconsiderar su negativa y parter en cerrar un acuerdo. “Si no quieren quedarse fuera de lo que va a ser una de las reformas laborales más importantes de nuestra, I believe in history that they really have to defend the interests of companies and leave their ideological, political positions,” Perez Rey concluded.