Irene Montero presents her biography junto a la vieja guardia de Podemos: “Darle el poder a Yolanda fue nuestro gran error”

Irene Montero presents her biography junto a la vieja guardia de Podemos: “Darle el poder a Yolanda fue nuestro gran error”

More than half of the participants were excluded from the presentation of the biography Irene Montero, Algo habremos hecho (Navona), this Monday in Madrid. La culpa podría repartirse en dos: la sala reservada en Madrid was demasiado pequeña y, aun por encima, buena parte de los asientos estaban reservadas para la vieja guardia, asesores de servicio y antiguos trabajadores del partido.

Pablo Iglesias, the former general secretary of Podemos, only in the first row; la de facto general secretary, Ione Belarra; former secretary of the organization, Pablo Echenique; and de facto organizational secretary and spokesperson, Pablo Fernández. Tambien Jesus Serra, Juanma del Olmo or Julio Rodriguez, among others. Durante poco más de una hora, the auditorium of La Casa Encendida became a reunion of old students.

A pesar de los intentos de algunos members Summar –Mainly IU— An attempt to reunite the PSOE, era de esperar que nadie sin carnet morado apareciera por el Evento. And so it happened.

Both Montero's political biography and public presentation were linked to Pablo Iglesias, or “líder del espacio”. Yolanda Diaz. After Igualdad, “a major political mistake occurred.”

“You may enter please quien no quiere cambiar nada“said Montero, referring to the coalition of Diaz and PSOE, social majoritario del Gobierno de

Real Eurodeputada de Podemos, que ya estaba en el Consejo de Ministros cuando Iglesias appointed Diaz as his successor al fronte del antiguo Unidas Podemos, he argued that this election was a response to his attempt to expand his sphere of influence, which had been his “obsession since we entered government”.

“Si tenemos más poder”, Montero analyzes, “podremos hacer más cosas más rápido, si balance la correlación de fuerzas con el PSOE”. The problem, the diagnostic error, es que Diaz would surrender all the flags of space to the socialists and “for us it was unimaginable“, referring to Podemos.

The former minister noted that the Socialists had taken a “cooperative relationship” to form a progressive coalition government “at what cost”. “balance of power” Podemos meets these criteria to fulfill the necessary conditions for pudiera. John Sumer never happened, and Congress never enacted any law.

“A pesar de darle mucha cana a la progresía, reconozco muchos espacios en los que nos entendidohemos pactado y hemos sido loyales en los acuerdos. At this time 'queremos coordinarnos con vosotros, no subordinarnos, y ejercer nuestra autonomía politica'. The political operation of these years was to replace the political direction with another direction without Podemos, which does not want to exercise power,” he explained.